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Church vs Personal Relationship with Jesus: What the Bible Actually Says

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Church vs Personal Relationship with Jesus: What the Bible Actually Says

Rose Florence Brocade and Tapestry Collection

He Founded a Church for a Reason. It’s a feel-good slogan: “Just me and Jesus.” No bureaucracy, no messiness—just a personal relationship with Christ. But there’s one major problem: Jesus founded a Church.

The Biblical Truth

Whether you’re Catholic—seeing Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18 as a commission to Peter the man—or Lutheran—viewing it as Jesus affirming Peter’s declaration of faith—the central point remains: Christ started a Church. The Greek word ekklesia literally means “assembly” or “gathering.” From the very start, God called us to come together in faith, not to go it alone.“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” — Matthew 16:18

Rose Florence Brocade and Tapestry Collection

Look at the early Christians. They didn’t just pair off in separate corners saying, “I’ve got my personal Jesus.” They met in homes, prayed as one body, and shared the Eucharist (Acts 2:42). St. Ignatius of Antioch (1st century) emphasized unity under bishops and priests, urging believers to stick together in the face of persecution. And St. Cyprian of Carthage wrote, “No one can have God as Father who does not have the Church as Mother.

Rose Florence Brocade Gaudete Laetare Church Vestments

Why the emphasis on the Church?

Because humans need community. We need accountability, fellowship, and teaching that keeps us grounded in the truth. We aren’t meant to walk the Christian life in spiritual isolation. Jesus set it up this way on purpose. Does that mean the Church is perfect? Hardly. It’s made up of flawed people—always has been, always will be. Yet through every scandal, every schism, and every storm, Christ still upholds His Bride (Ephesians 5:25–27).

Superfrontal Rose Florence Brocade

So the next time you hear “Just me and Jesus,” remember: Jesus envisioned more than a private faith. He wanted a family of believers who worship, serve, and grow together. Call it Catholic, Lutheran, or any other Christian tradition—if it’s rooted in Christ, it’s part of His Church. We’re meant to journey together.

Soli Deo Gloria

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Rose Florence Brocade and Tapestry Collection

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