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That’s a weird-looking stole? Why is it crooked?

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That’s a weird-looking stole? Why is it crooked?

That’s a weird-looking stole? Why is it crooked?: In the realm of ecclesiastical vestments, stoles signify the office and responsibilities of the wearer. Particularly, there are notable differences between a pastoral stole and a deacon stole, each serving a distinct role within liturgical traditions.

Pastoral/Priest Stole

Worn by pastors, priests, or bishops, the pastoral stole is a long, scarf-like cloth that hangs down from the neck over the chest. It symbolizes the yoke of Christ, reflecting the authority and responsibilities of the priesthood. The wearer typically wears this stole straight down both sides of the neck.

Deacon Stole

However, the deacon wears the stole differently, reflecting their unique service role. They wear it from the left shoulder, fastening it at the right hip to create a diagonal across the body. This style of wearing the stole symbolizes the deacon’s role as a servant and messenger, differentiating from the priestly role signified by the pastoral stole.

The tradition of wearing the deacon stole in this manner dates back to the early church, where deacons played vital roles in liturgical services and the management of church affairs. Wearing the stole diagonally across the body from left to right likely has practical origins, facilitating the deacon’s movements during service.

In summary, while both stoles signify sacred duties, their differences in appearance and wearing style highlight the distinct roles within the church hierarchy—pastoral stoles denote priestly authority and deacon stoles emphasize servitude and mobility in liturgical functions.

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Soli Deo Gloria

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