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Category: Liturgical Vestments and Altar Hangings

Liturgical vestments and altar hangings play a vital role in Christian religious services. Enhancing the worship experience with an extra layer of meaning and symbolism. Priests and pastors commonly wear liturgical garments such as the chasuble and the Alb during Mass celebrations. With the chasuble covering the body and often featuring ornate designs and symbols. And the Alb, a long white robe, worn by priests. Another liturgical vestment, the stole, a long, narrow scarf-like garment worn around the neck. Usually decorated with symbols representing the liturgical season or occasion.

On the other hand, altar hangings, and decorative textiles adorning the front of the altar, add beauty and meaning to the worship ceremony. They can be changed according to the liturgical season, with common types including frontals, superfrontals, and lectern hangings.

Liturgical vestments and altar hangings have a rich tradition and symbolism. Connecting worshipers with the history and traditions of the Church. Each vestment and style carries unique meaning and significance. Ecclesiastical Sewing addresses the liturgical needs of churches and religious organizations. Offering a diverse range of quality vestments and church hanging patterns, from traditional chasubles to functional superfrontals. We always have the perfect item for your liturgical preference.

Painted Church Banner from St. Ignatius Mission Montana

St. Ignatius Mission Banners

Embroidery is a perfect medium for use on banners, a true labor of love, provided there are skilled embroiderers available for the work required. But sadly, there were times when this level of devotion may not have been possible for a banner. When embroidery was not an option, banners were sometimes hand-painted like these Banners located at the Ursuline Center.

Fair Linen with hand embroidered design done in whitework

Whitework Embroidery for Church Linens

This antique Fair Linen, while stained, and scorched, with holes from a too-hot iron on one end, features a lovely hand-embroidered IHC motif in the center of the Altar Linen, surrounded by four smaller cross designs for the corners. Worked completely in white threads, the Ecclesiastical Embroidery is still lovely amid the linen stains of age.  The central hand embroidery design is relatively small, considering the Fair Linen is wide and long

Church Linen Scallop Edge of Lace trim on Altar Fair Linen

Altar Fair Linen with Lace Edge Trim

This trim features a zig-zag design filled with star-shaped motifs. Notably, it has triangular peaks at the upper edge where it attaches to the Altar Linen. An interesting detail is the deep hem of the linen, matching the trim’s depth—around 5 to 6 inches. While this may seem unusual to modern eyes, older reference books mention long Fair Linens having deep hems, especially if they reach close to the floor. The added weight from a deep hem likely contributes to the Fair Linen hanging well.

Red Pentecost Stole Construction, Clergy Stole for Every Budget

Pastoral Stoles: How Much do They Cost?

To easily buy the Red Dupioni Silk for the stole base, opt for pre-cut “stole quarters” tailored for a 4″³ pastoral stole or wider/longer lengths for V-back and other styles. A pastoral “stole quarter” is around 14”³ wide by 60”³ long. Similar to quilters buying “fat quarters” for minimal waste, this is a smart approach. Instead of a 60”³ length of 45”³ or 54”³ wide fabric, you purchase just enough for one stole. costs under $20.

Green Superfrontal from Collection at Concordia Historical Institute

Altar Frontals

The Ecclesiastical Fabric has been used as the base fabric for the entire Superfrontal. The Superfrontal is designed so that it extends to the back edge of the altar with no overhang down the back side. This same style of superfrontal could be created using a cotton duck or dowlas fabric for the decking and using the Ecclesiastical Brocade on the front and end pieces.

3 1/2" wide pastor or priest stole sewing pattern paper pattern with sewing instructions

What Vestments Does a Priest or Pastor Need?

Ecclesiastical vestments are essential for clergy in both the Catholic and Lutheran traditions. Basic items include stoles in liturgical colors, cassock, alb, and surplice. A cincture is worn around the waist, while the amice is optional for Lutherans but essential in the Catholic faith. The chasuble, recommended for Lutheran pastors, matches basic stole colors. In LCMS, a tippet, a black stole variation, is used for prayer office in choir dress.