Lace Making for Altar Cloths
Lace Making for Altar Cloths: As the weekend comes to a close, it is time to relax and enjoy a bit of Ecclesiastical Sewing across the web. I have some wonderful friends from around the world who are involved with Vestment making and the Ecclesiastical Vestment arts. Email is the lifesaving link that keeps us connected. Sometimes we share information on how our projects are coming along, occasionally we collaborate on projects, and sometimes, we “share the news.” The best part of sharing the news is the photos of others’ projects. There is always that anticipation and excitement to see the vast array of talent displayed in the projects being completed for use in the church.
There was a link in my inbox this morning that did just that. It shared a bit of Ecclesiastical news from around the world, and the project is a delight. The project entailed an unusual topic with a link that led to a bit of lace and finery. You might be wondering how lace and finer fit into the world of Ecclesiastical Sewing? Lace can be used in several ways on Ecclesiastical Vestments.
Lace, and variations thereof, is often applied to the hemline and sleeves of vestments such as a rochet which forms part of the choir robes.
Lace’s Varied Beauty
The lace can vary with styles of pattern, and materials, being sometimes a little heavier and bolder, to being something very light and airy.
In looking around a bit for information on lace making for church vestments, Project Gutenberg has a lovely book available on the topic of The Art of Modern Lace Making. Much of the book is devoted to secular lace-making designs and patterns, but there is one little section with a lovely cross pattern worked in Battenberg lace.
The use of lace within the church is not limited to use on vestments. These lovely laces are also suitable for use with altar cloths. Lace is sometimes used on the ends of a Fair Linen, or it may also be used in a way that is similar to a superfrontal, where the lace hangs down the front edge of the altar along the length.
To do so, I would like to share the photo and article on this lovely Lace Altar Cloth that was in my inbox this morning. The altar cloth was hand-made and truly a labor of love.
The article states:
“The lace on the altar cloths features squares with crosses, a simple square alternating with a complicated one. The lace is made with threads wound on bobbins, similar to miniature bowling pins, which are crossed and twisted.”
Without providing anything more in the way of details, one must assume this project was made using the techniques of bobbin lace.
If anyone is in the Lancaster, PA area, be sure to plan a visit to see these stunning pieces of lacework for Church Altar Cloths.
Wishing you a joy-filled weekend.
Solo Dei Gloria
Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designs, church vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.
Lace: the Forgotten Ecclesiastical Craft?