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Holy Cross Day September 14

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Holy Cross Day September 14

Today marks yet another day of celebration in the year of the church. September 14th is noted as Holy Cross Day, which is celebrated in both Eastern and Western Churches around the world. The Church of England marks this festival day with the use of the color Red. Holy Cross Day was introduced into the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1982, yet this festival may be unfamiliar to many Lutherans today.  The history of this festival dates back to the time of Constantine and his mother, St. Helena.


For those who may have a little rustiness in their history lessons, these lovely stained glass windows in the St. Helena Cathedral, located in Helena, Montana, tell the stories of each. The top window depicts the conversion of Constantine to Christianity.  Constantine sees a vision of a cross in the window that is almost blinding in its brilliance.

The next stained glass window features a depiction of St. Helena. History notes that St. Helena located the Cross of Christ or relics of the Cross of Christ while doing archeological work in Jerusalem.

Latin Cross

To honor this special Festival Day of the Holy Cross, Ecclesiastical Sewing is pleased to provide a liturgical embroidery design for use in hand embroidery. The church embroidery design is a variation of the flower cross.  At the center of the cross is the IHC monogram.  Rays extend from the central design motif between each cross arm. While the cross is in the Greek form with all four arms being the same length, one could easily convert the cross to a Latin Cross.

One could work this cross in any number of ways. Simple line stitches would work with white, ivory, or pale blue threads for altar linen embroidery designs.  Silk and gold work threads could combine with this church embroidery design for use on pastoral stoles in the smaller design size, or altar frontals, chalice veils, or other church vestments in a larger embroidery design. Please visit Higher Things or Issues, Etc to learn more about Holy Cross Day. Please check with your pastor or priest before beginning this or any other church embroidery or church vestment designs to ensure the liturgical embroidery patterns fit within your church’s celebrations.

Soli Deo Gloria

Other festivals coming up: St. Jerome Day September 30th

PDF File for: Holy Cross-Day-Design is available for personal use within an individual’s church, and not intended for resale or commercial use.

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