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Identifying an Embroidery Design

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Identifying an Embroidery Design

We have an unusual request today at Ecclesiastical Sewing, and I hope some of you, our dear Readers, may be able to help identify an embroidery design.

We were contacted by a church in the United Kingdom, asking if we were familiar with the word or logo embroidered on this altar frontal. There is not much information to go beyond what is visible in the photo. The only other clue provided is that there is a label that states that the piece had been embroidered by Thomas Brown and Son of Manchester.

We know a little bit about Tho. Brown & Son. They created a collection of sewing embroidery designs for handwork at the end of the 19th Century, or turn of the 20th Century. That book has been republished and is available today under the title: Designs for Church Embroideries by Thomas Bown and Son.

The company operated out of a location at 31, Princess S. Manchester. They were manufacturers of Laces, Damask, and Fringes, Dealers in every Description of Textile Fabrics for Church Purposes, and Embroiderers.

Now, back to the above photo. Three of the letters are easily identified as S, I, and I. The third and fifth letters are more elusive.

If anyone is familiar with vintage types or fonts and has suggestions as to the word and its meaning, that would be most helpful. Thank you for your assistance!

Soli Deo Gloria

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Hand Embroidery Design for Altar Linens

Ecclesiastical Embroidery Designs A Starting Point


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