The Lenten Season is a time of year when black vestment fabrics are worn. The use of black will depend on which rites a church follows, but it is not uncommon to use black for Ash Wednesday as well as for Good Friday. This black brocade with a circle and cross motif has a nice weight and hand. It would work great if black hangings such as plain black banners were needed to drape in a church to create a somber mood for Good Friday. The fabric could also be used for any variety of church vestments and hangings.
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Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent and is a reprieve in this season–which by nature is a penitential season. Gaudete Sunday gives us a glimpse of the joy that awaits us and lightens the mood–one way this is done is with the change of the vestments from violet or blue to a rose color. Gaudete is the plural present active imperative of the Latin verb “to rejoice.”
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Today we give thanks for the life of Saint Damasus I. He was Bishop of Rome from 366 A.D. to 384 A.D. During this period, Christianity was declared the official religion, Latin became the official language of the Church (as opposed to Greek), & Saint Damasus encouraged Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin.
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In Honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
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October 8th, is clergy appreciation day in the USA. Ecclesiastical Sewing is, of course, your number one source for designing something spectacular for your pastor, priest, bishop, or other clergy members.
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The Great Antiphons of Advent or The O Antiphons of Advent. An antiphon’s purpose is to summarize the main point of the psalm which helps make the connection between the psalm and the service on which it is chanted or sung. These Great Antiphons point the way toward Christmas and Christ. They talk about the Old and New Testaments and summarize the ties that bind everything together. They are a final push and lead us directly to our Lord’s birth, but more importantly, they shed light on the rest of the story and the greater picture.
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We enter a season filled with green trees and grass dotted with bright pink, purple, red, and white the flowers blooming profusely all around us. One glance around nature provides a feast of green shades for the eye to behold. It brings the entire world to life. Green is also the color for ordinary times in the church years. With the long Trinity Season or the “Green” Season just getting underway in the church year.
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The Ecclesiastical Sewing Family’s Easter in 2017 and a special church project. Dossal curtain – Dossals, traditionally adorned with intricate embroideries, like the Lanercost Dossal. Tailored to fit sanctuary dimensions, for instance, is 88” wide and 124” long, complementing stained glass. A captivating coincidence forms a cross with the dossal and stained glass, as seen in the Good Friday dossal, the dossal and the stained glass make a cross on the back wall behind the big wooden cross.
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Good Friday in 2017 – church adhered to solemn customs, draping the altar in black with six candles, the seventh being the Paschal candle. While black is our choice, I found practices in other churches, employing red or violet. Despite the somber tone of Good Friday services, they set the stage for a joyous Easter celebration.
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St. Urho’s Day, celebrated on March 16th, the day before the better-known feast of some minor saint from Ireland, who was alleged to have driven the snakes from the island.
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Lent is a penitential season and a time of reflection. Lent has always been a favorite season of the church year. Throughout the years – the rich tapestry of hymns reserved specifically for Lent remains vivid, as the scriptures of Christ’s Passion and Lenten hymns were forever twined together in mind. One could begin to imagine the agony Christ suffered as he prayed. Singing the hymn “Go to Dark Gethsemane” in the dim evening light of the church. It was then and still a favorite Lenten Hymn.
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Many Christians today overlook historic Church traditions and vestments. Like Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, and Episcopalian have unique practices and materials for their vestments. Despite the beauty of these traditions, many Christians are unaware of them, similar to the limited recognition of events like Fat Tuesday. The appreciation for and celebration of these practices often involve a smaller group within the broader Christian community.
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Any guesses? What is 88″ wide by 124″ long? We will use it at our local church for Good Friday… It is so big that we are spending Saturday… Read more Any guesses? →
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Merry Christmas from Ecclesiastical Sewing
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The ancient Israelites worshiped in the Tabernacle and later in the first Temple, which was the stationary building that replaced the Tabernacle. God instructed Moses exactly how to build the richly ornate Tabernacle and the Israelites used this mobile worship space for many years. In the reign of King Solomon, no expense was spared in the construction of the first Temple. This Temple was then sacked and many years later it was rebuilt as recorded in Ezra. Finally, King Herod renovated and added the second Temple, which was then destroyed in 70 A.D.
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