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Ecclesiastical Sewing Blog

All in a Day’s Work

Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design project for the Easter Pulpit Fall is underway. The linen is now framed up, and the pouncing and tracing will soon be complete. Utilizing the Millennium Frames from Needle Needs for the first time, a short video tutorial was a helpful guide. Framing proved a bit tricky with two layers—the Alabaster Linen from Hedgehog Handworks and a layer of Kona Cotton for backing and support. flipping the frame to the backside ensured proper alignment and support for the lining fabric.

Ecclesiastical embroidery project, Technical Difficulties and Framing Dilemmas

Technical Difficulties and Framing Dilemmas

Embroidery framing plans face setbacks due to sizing mismatches with Millennium and Evertite Frames. Technical challenges require a new approach. The starting a new Ecclesiastical embroidery project continues with optimism, but obstacles emerge in frame selection and sizing. Despite encountering disappointments the determination to overcome these challenges and find suitable solutions remains steadfast.

cross embroidery pattern

Late Night Progress

Late-night progress in the Ecclesiastical Embroidery project involves perforating the cross pattern for the Purificator. The “prick and pounce” technique is employed, creating tiny, close-together holes for accurate design transfer. A homemade tool, a size 12 crewel needle in a cork, proves effective for this task. The small pattern size contributes to a quicker perforation process.

Embroidery Colored Floss

New  Embroidery Frames Mean New Projects

New Embroidery Frames Mean New Projects: Millennium Frames from Needle Needs arrived, beginning of a new Ecclesiastical Embroidery project. The chosen design, a pulpit fall for the Easter Vestment Set, is sourced from a vintage German book dating back to 1902. This unique treasure has undergone slight modifications to enhance simplicity. Linen options—Alba Maxima, Alabaster Angel, and Ecclesiastical Linen from Hedgehog Handwork. finalizing linen and floss colors, for another ecclesiastical artwork.

The Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

The Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

Making of the Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs. Created on Alba Maxima linen from Hedgehog Handworks, this lamb comes to life with stitches and delicate shading. The linen provides a perfect canvas, and the project is stretched on an Evertite Frame. Various hand embroidery techniques, including long and short stitch shading, satin stitch, laid work, goldwork couching, split stitch, and stem stitch outlining, contribute to the lamb’s intricate details.

A Tale of Two Lambs Embroidery project on

The Tale of Two Lambs

“The Tale of Two Lambs” is about making special decorations for a church, like Easter cloths. At first, the results weren’t good so, learning more became the focus. The Angus Dei featuring two lambs—one small for a robe and one big for an altar cloth. The story is about learning and getting better at sewing with silk and gold threads, with more things to find out along the way.

Ecclesiastical Designs

The Never-Ending Quest for Ecclesiastical Designs

Creating various designs for Church Vestments remained a challenge. The Agnus Dei symbol aided in creating the pulpit fall, while inspiration from stained glass guided the design of the Altar Frontal. The quest for better designs spanned years, incorporating research, internet searches, and volunteer work. Gradually, more refined designs came to light.

Ecclesiastical Vestment Making, Ecclesiastical Sewing Design

Ecclesiastical Sewing

Ecclesiastical Sewing involves crafting Church Vestments and facing challenges in finding techniques and patterns. After years of searching and studying, knowledge about this nearly vanished art form has been gathered. Through Ecclesiastical Sewing, liturgical fabrics, patterns, and designs are shared with those passionate about Ecclesiastical Vestment Making.

Hand embroidery for Chalice Veil, Introducing Ecclesiastical Sewing Design

Introducing my new website Ecclesiastical Sewing

Welcome to Ecclesiastical Sewing! This site is dedicated to a passion for designing and creating Church Linens, vestments, and ecclesiastical embroidery projects. With a background in costume design, there’s exploration of couture and custom sewing techniques for Church Vestments. Stay tuned for updates on ongoing projects, Ecclesiastical Embroidery Designs, and tips for creating your own Church Vestment Projects.