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Palm Sunday 2017

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Palm Sunday 2017

Palm Sunday, the celebration of Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, is only a short way away. This Sunday is such a special Sunday with all the traditions accompanying it: the hymns, the palm or olive or willow or flowering branches, the professionals, and of course…the vestments and paraments. Depending on the denomination, Scarlet, Red, or Purple are the most common colors. Although, I did hear about some churches that use black because it is the end of Lent and the start of Holy Week. So here is my question to y’all: What color is your Palm Sunday Vestments? Also, do you have embroideries and what are they? We want to hear from you all!

First Dossal Curtain in Our Church

We are out of town, so I cannot share what our church will look like with the sun coming in on Sunday morning. However, we helped set up the paraments yesterday. What we also set up was our dossal curtain. This will be the first time our church has had a dossal curtain and we are so excited about it. It took a lot of dedication from some lovely ladies and their husbands to pull this piece together. Our carpet for the aisle, our pews’ upholstery, and even our hymnals are all a rich burgundy color. This with the woodwork and stained glass really makes the entire sanctuary pop with these red paraments and dossal up in the front. Below is an image with the best possible lighting I could manage.



1Roberts, Carrie. Palm Sunday 2017. April 6, 2017. Personal Collection, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Minnesota.

2Roberts, Carrie. Palm Sunday 2017 Dossal. Personal Collection, Ecclesiastical Sewing, Minnesota.

The other thing I want to share with y’all today is a wonderful article I stumbled across when I was least expecting it. I was trying to discover what the Early Church did in celebration of the feast days of Holy Week. And here is some information about Palm Sunday:

This is digitally provided courtesy of What I put forth for your perusal today is part of a larger work by the Friar and Reverend Francis Xavier Weiser. This man was a phenomenal writer and I hope you will agree when you read this excerpt. I am now curious to read Fr. Weiser’s larger work and sort through his sources. After all, bibliographies of learned men are the best, the absolute best, places to discover new content and help a searching mind dig deeper!

I hope you will enjoy this little tidbit. Thank you for reading along and be sure to tell us what your Palm Sunday vestments and paraments look like! And have a blessed Palm Sunday Celebration.

~Nihil Sine Deo~

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