Liturgical Arts Conference
Liturgical Arts Conference:
Attention! How far are you from Canton, Mississippi, USA? Do you have relatives in the South that you have not seen in a while that you really should go visit? Or do you have some spare time in November to travel and you have always had a desire to check out this wonderful part of the country?
Well, I have the perfect trip for you! If you follow along with our blog, Facebook, etc., you probably have an interest in the liturgical arts. Of course, we specialize in one area of these arts: ecclesiastical sewing. However many other components fall under the category of liturgical arts.
November 10th–15th, in Canton, Mississippi, there will be a SPECATULAR conference dedicated solely–you guessed it!–to liturgical arts. Our own Carrie R. will be there, along with many other professionals, to teach classes. Carrie will be teaching a class on Church Vestment Making. So probably has something to do with stole-making and pulpit fall-making! That alone is worth the trip. Carrie is beyond excited to reach many people and share her love of making beautiful vestments to glorify the church. Another class that will be incredibly valuable will be the class on Keeping the Art of Needlepoint Alive, taught by the beloved Nancy Lukoskie. And how fun does a class about using and the art of Flowers For Sacred Spaces sound? I know that class is going to be much sought after.
For a complete list of classes and all the conference information please visit
We hope this is as exciting to y’all as it is to us! Thank you for reading and following us, and we hope that maybe you will be able to attend and learn!
~Nihil Sine Deo~
February 2nd, 2018
Vestment making Classes
Dürer and Cranach
Helpful Church Vestment Books