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Gilt Twist Goldwork Threads for Hand Embroidery

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Gilt Twist Goldwork Threads for Hand Embroidery

When you need something special to fill areas in goldwork embroidery or to edge a design, consider Gilt Twist goldwork threads for hand embroidery. But what does one do with goldwork appliques? How can one neatly apply those to a vestment or altar hanging?

Twist Sizes

If you thought of using twists, you are correct! Twists are a nice finish for goldwork appliques.  Twists come in a wide range of sizes from very small to rather large with lots of options in between. In an appliqué like the design above, use the twist to cover the gold edge that falls just outside of the red outline stitch. Knowing that the twist comes in a range of sizes, one might ask which size is correct for couching the applique. And the answer is ~ it will vary by the design as well as by the size of the area to be stitched around.

On a larger size design such as this, one might select either a No. 3 or No. 4 twist to the couch in pairs around the outer edges. For some of the smaller inner areas, one might select a No. 1 1/2 or a No.2 Twist. The decision on which size to use often comes down to how wide is that gold edge. And how wide of a twist is needed to cover the edge with one pass of stitching in pairs.

Two strands of the 1 1/2 gold twists were not wide enough to cover the gold edge in one pass. The No. 3 or No. 4 twists are almost the perfect width and they should cover the edge of this design.

Keep watch in the coming weeks for a few new goldwork appliques couching projects on altar frontals and vestments.

Soli Deo Gloria

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