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Category: Liturgical Vestments and Altar Hangings

Liturgical vestments and altar hangings play a vital role in Christian religious services. Enhancing the worship experience with an extra layer of meaning and symbolism. Priests and pastors commonly wear liturgical garments such as the chasuble and the Alb during Mass celebrations. With the chasuble covering the body and often featuring ornate designs and symbols. And the Alb, a long white robe, worn by priests. Another liturgical vestment, the stole, a long, narrow scarf-like garment worn around the neck. Usually decorated with symbols representing the liturgical season or occasion.

On the other hand, altar hangings, and decorative textiles adorning the front of the altar, add beauty and meaning to the worship ceremony. They can be changed according to the liturgical season, with common types including frontals, superfrontals, and lectern hangings.

Liturgical vestments and altar hangings have a rich tradition and symbolism. Connecting worshipers with the history and traditions of the Church. Each vestment and style carries unique meaning and significance. Ecclesiastical Sewing addresses the liturgical needs of churches and religious organizations. Offering a diverse range of quality vestments and church hanging patterns, from traditional chasubles to functional superfrontals. We always have the perfect item for your liturgical preference.

Pulpit falls Church Vestments Easter Vestments Clergy vestments Ecclesiastical Sewing

White and Gold for Easter and Christmas

Ecclesiastical Sewing introduced a design collection entitled Dayspring. The collection features timeless and elegant designs created by our liturgical artist friend, Edward Riojas. The collection features a variety of design themes that symbolize both the Nativity of Christ and His Resurrection.  The designs were gold threads stitched on white paraments and vestments, featuring designs like the IHC monogram with a rising sun, the Pomegranate design, and several others found in our various collections.

Bespoke custom vestments clergy garments custom ordered vestments Ecclesiastical Sewing

Custom Sized Church Vestments

Ecclesiastical Sewing offers custom-sized church vestments for clergy members who require special fits. While standard sizes work for most, bespoke vestments cater to unique sizing needs, ensuring proper length and width adjustments for a comfortable and graceful fit. The example of a petite white chasuble illustrates the customization available, making it suitable for Easter celebrations.

O Emmanuel Dec 23

O Emmanuel – O God with Us O Antiphon for December 23

The symbol used for O Emmanuel is a manger with a flowering rose. The rose is a Messianic Rose. With great joy and anticipation, we join the prophet in singing, O Come, Emmanuel – come and save us, O Lord, our God. The collection of O Antiphon designs is a simple way to enhance a worship space. The banners may be hung from pillars as shown in the photo, or by some other way of your selection. The banners a simple to create for those who like to sew for their church.

O Oriens Dec 21

O Oriens – O Dayspring Antiphon for December 21

O Oriens – O Dayspring Antiphon for December 21: The word Dayspring today is considered archaic, yet it is a word that is beautiful and poetic. The word is used in the King James translation of the Bible. It means the dawn of the morning or daybreak. The symbol for Dayspring is often a rising sun as it breaks the horizon a the dawn of a new day.

David Advent Stole Collection

O Clavis David – O Key of David Antiphon for December 20

Keys are interesting things. They come in all kinds of sizes from small to large. They open things, close things, lock things up, start things and the list goes on. Keys are used in the Bible as a means to explain or illustrate different concepts. I am reminded of our Catechism study in preparation for Confirmation. We learned about the Office of the Keys.

Sacristy Check List: 10 Things to Review for Fall

Prepare for fall by reviewing altar linens, checking inventory, and tidying storage. Examine baptismal items, altar hangings, server gowns, and clergy vestments. Ensure everything is in good condition, make repairs if needed, and consider replacements for worn-out items. Keep the Lord’s house well-maintained and ready for worship.

Prince of Peace Baxter 501 Years in the Making

Reformation 2018 – 501 Years in the Making

Reformation 2018 – 501 Years in the Making:: an incredible anniversary. The Reformation Embroidery Designs were created by Edward Riojas and Carrie Roberts. This set was the first major collaborative design collection created by both artisans and it marked the beginning of what has become a wonderful working relationship and friendship. The designs are unique in the world of vestment making.

Red chasuble Reformation Lutheran vestments church vestments religious vestments mass vestments brocade liturgical fabrics machine embroidery Luther Rose Brocade

What is a Monastic Style Chasuble?

The Monastic style chasuble is a fuller, longer vestment, approximately 60 to 80″ wide and 54″ or more in length. With graceful folds, it suits both traditional and modern church settings. The larger size provides comfort in warm climates, allowing more airflow and movement. It can be created from various fabrics, from Liturgical Brocades to silks.

monastic chasuble

Monastic Chasuble Pattern for Making Church Vestments

The Monastic Chasuble is a wonderful, full chasuble that is both graceful and elegant. It is suited for use in a variety of church settings. In many of the larger traditional cathedrals, altar hangings are no longer used. The chancel is often open with a large altar made from stone as in the above photo.  These vast open spaces are lovely and well suited for using a Monastic Style Chasuble.

statue of St Luke

St. Luke – The Evangelist Collection of Church Vestments

St. Luke is seated at a desk where he is busy either with his writing or creating a painting. At his feet is a bull or ox which often is used as a symbol to represent him. St. Luke is one of the Four Evangelists or writers of the Gospel accounts. The term is fitting because Evangelist means someone who proclaims the good news. The Evangelists proclaimed the good news of Christ in the Four Gospel accounts which are named after them: St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John.

Rose Church Vestment chasuble stole

New Rose Pastoral Chasuble and Stole

The use of rose vestments increases in popularity each year. The importance comes in as a means of teaching. The lessons for the day on Gaudete and Laetare Sunday have a lighter tone  – a break from the heaviness of the Penitential seasons of Advent and Lent. It lets us know that there is a joy that awaits and it is just around the corner. The joy is Christmas (and Easter). And when the rose vestments come out, Christmas (or Easter) is almost upon us.