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Couching threads: Japan Thread in size 1 on two shades of gold and silver, and black cord,Art of Ecclesiastical Embroidery

The Beauty of the Art of Ecclesiastical Embroidery

 The Beauty of the Art of Ecclesiastical Embroidery and the Ecclesiastical Vestments created from embroidery have a long history with the church. Workers, artisans, craftsmen, both men and women, professional embroidered, and laity, over countless millennia, have added beauty to the church with the work of their hands by creating vestments and hangings for use in the worship service.

Goldwork threads ready for plunging on IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design

IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery A Little Progress

Working on the IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery with gold threads is exciting. The sparkle and shine bring joy, but dealing with the cross ends is a bit tricky. Inspired by a vintage banner, branching gold threads from the center and facing challenges with plunging through three fabric layers. Considering adjustment for the better results. Happy stitching dreams!

The largest Ecclesiastical Embroidered Agnus Dei measures just under 15" in size.

The Second Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

The Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design for the Altar Frontal features the largest Lamb, measuring about 15″ in width. The sky is stitched in Royal Floss, a vivid blue from the Belding Brothers Company. Goldwork details use #4 Smooth Passing with Silk Core from Access Commodities. The design aims for a bright and radiant sky, symbolizing the glorious Resurrection.

IHS Ecclesiastical Design First Stitches

IHS Ecclesiastical Design First Stitches

Starting on a new embroidery project brings joy and excitement. The initial stitches on the Rose Set IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design mark the beginning of creative possibilities. The goal is a stunning, “bread and butter” style of goldwork embroidery, keeping it simple with no extra padding and special techniques,

IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design on Tracing Vellum ready for transfer

Ecclesiastical Embroidery Pattern Solution

Discovering Tracing Vellum, a perfect solution for Ecclesiastical Embroidery Pattern transfers. This paper, resembling that used by Sisters in the past, is ideal for tracing designs onto fabric. Its smoother texture and availability on Amazon make it a valuable find for preserving and continuing the art of Ecclesiastical Embroidery. The newfound treasure proved effective in transferring the IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design to Silk Dupioni.

Lining up Silk Dupioni on Alba Maxima Linen

A Simple Design Framed Up

Beginning the IHS Embroidery design project after a weekend of preparations. Silk Dupioni and Alba Maxima linen framed up, with the Evertite Frame chosen despite size constraints. Aligning and stretching the silk carefully, the design is transferred using a homemade charcoal and blue quilt pounce mixture. Success in the transfer marks the start of drawing lines and initiating the first stitches in this Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design.

Ecclesiastical Linen.

Wash on Friday, Iron on Saturday

Cleaning and ironing linen, though often disliked, proved essential for ecclesiastical projects. Preshrinking Alba Maxima, Ecclesiastical Linen, and Linen Cambric involved a careful process of soaking, rinsing, and pressing. Despite the effort, working with well-prepared linen, particularly Ecclesiastical Linen, was satisfying and crucial for successful embroidery.

Imitation Japanese Gold Thread for Liturgical Embroidery

Green and Gold Braid

Excitement as gold threads from England arrive for the IHS Altar Frontal project. Oakleaf design trims add elegance. Silk Dupioni in Olive green chosen as a canvas for the Rose Vestment Set. Introducing a mix of Soie Paris Embroidery floss and Or ‘Nue techniques. Join us in the exciting journey of making with dazzling, sparkling, and glittering designs!

Butler Bowden Cope  Article by Grace Christie from  Embroidery: A Collection of Articles on Subjects Connected with Fine Embroidery

Reading Time for a Stormy Night

Reading time from Ecclesiastical Embroidery with Grace Christie’s book, ‘Embroidery: A Collection of Articles on Fine Needlework.’ Explore a 14th-century red cope from the Butler Bowden Family, adorned with pearls and a charming lion’s head. Learn about the cope’s survival through history, now in the Metropolitan Museum. Discover the use of precious stones in Ecclesiastical Embroidery and the unique Opus Anglicum technique. Let this book be your companion on a stormy night.

Complete Blue Sky Background on Small Agnus Dei Embroidery Project, The Tale of Two Lambs

From the Beginning in The Tale of Two Lambs

Starting with a small Agnus Dei hand embroidery design, The Tale of Two Lambs turned into two projects – in sizes small and large. Limited Ecclesiastical designs led to this traditional choice. The smaller Agnus Dei, at 8 1/2″, fits a chasuble’s back. As the project continued, minor changes improved the second design. The small lamb’s hill, initially stitched in camouflage green, became serene blue. Using Soie Ovale for the sky presented challenges, but the finished product was pleasing. Careful placement of gold passing thread helped secure the silk strands, enhancing the design.

Museum Ursuline Center, Summer Travels

More Surprises on Summer Travels

Visiting the museum, display revealed a whitework embroidery fragments, including one with the words “Happy Feast!” and the date “1895.” The remnants were cut from a larger hand-embroidered linen tablecloth used by the Sisters, showcasing beautiful craftsmanship. Intrigued by the search for Ecclesiastical Embroidery, we were directed to Father, to know the promising revelations in the chapel.