Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern
Shaped Cross Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern
Our technical writer and illustrator have updated instructions for our line of church vestment sewing patterns in the past year. And, we have created new vestment designs, including the Latin Mass Chasuble Pattern with a Shaped Cross Design. We’re excited about all these updates to our pattern line and the design possibilities for you!
If you are like us, you love to scroll through social media and see all of the lovely possibilities for beautiful church vestments, but you struggle to know where to begin. The Shaped Cross Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern or one of our other chasuble patterns may be a great place to start!
Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern Details
As a designer, I’ve worked closely with our pattern maker to create the largest collection of chasuble sewing patterns available on the market. We have traditional designs, along with some lovely exquisite, and unique designs. This Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern was created at the request of someone to fill a very specific need. They, like you, were struggling to find a way to create a special design. Their priest felt this chasuble recreation would enhance the worship life of their parish. After looking at a wider variety of design options and styles, this pattern was created. And it was the perfect solution to their problem!
The Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern boasts a shaped cross design, offering a classic and refined appearance for your liturgical attire. Furthermore, the pattern provides comprehensive instructions for crafting a durable and striking vestment. Aimed at the skilled seamstress, placing an order will allow you to create a cherished chasuble that will last for years. Additionally, all yardage and trim specifications are included below.
Details for fabric and trim yardages
Yardage requirements:
- Face Fabric: 2 1/2 yards of 60″ fabric.
- Interfacing: 2 1/2 yards of 60″ cotton canvas
- Interfacing: 2 yards of 36″ fusible interfacing.
- Lining Fabric: 2 1/2 yards of 60″ fabric.
- Orphrey fabric: 2 yards of 45″, 54″, or 60″ fabric.
- Orphrey trims: 1 1/2 yards of 1″ wide trim and 12 yards of 1/2″ wide trim.
- 4 yards of 3/4″ wide twill tape for a tie.
Chasuble Pattern comes with written instructions and illustrations. The measurements are:
Creativity at work:
Discover numerous options to create beautiful church vestments. We understand your desire for inspiration, so we have provided a few design examples to spark your creativity.
Imagine a lovely Marian Chasuble set created in white and blue brocades. Start with white St. Margaret Brocade or Florence Brocade. Add contrasting orphrey bands using blue St. Aidan, deep blue St. Margaret brocade, or Lichfield brocade. Use silver MS Braid or MS Braid, or Antique Gold Grape leaf braid.
Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern for Lent
With the Season of Lent only a few short weeks, the combination of Violet and Black comes to mind. This style looks stunning with Violet St. Margaret and Black Fairford or Black/Gold Fairford Broacde for the shaped cross. The goldwork applique is the Crucifixion design.
Oxblood Red Chasuble
Oxblood or Scarlet are colors for Holy Week in many faiths. Red Fairford Brocade with Black accents creates stunning Oxblood Holy Week Vestments.
It only takes a bit of imagination to see the many possibilities that can be created using this lovely Lain Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern. If this were on the work tables, I would consider using a Black and gold Dice Braid with the above applique. The black and gold Dice Braid certainly lends a subtle but striking finishing touch.
Are you ready to imagine your next vestment set? What are your favorite color combinations for this Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern? The Our Lady of Lourdes and the Crucifixion goldwork designs are available on the website under appliques.
Struggles Carrie faced over the years
I know firsthand the struggle that many face when trying to create beautiful church vestments. For instance, when I created my very first church vestment years ago as a young college student, there was nothing available. And we did not have the internet! There was only the local fabric store. Fast forward 25 to 30 years. My church had just built a lovely new building. As a designer and seamstress, I wanted to use my time and talents to create vestments and paraments for my church. Sadly, nothing had changed! There was still nothing available! Thus, an amazing 20-year journey began.
Today, we are so pleased to offer a wonderful assortment of patterns and resources for others because we don’t believe it should be a struggle to have good sewing pattern designs available. Our hope and prayers are that by providing quality sewing patterns, seamstresses can use their time and talents to bring beauty to their churches without enduring the struggles that I had faced.
This Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Pattern is one of the latest sewing pattern treasures that we offer for those who are on this journey. The pattern is available on our website, along with Coordinating Latin Mass Stole Patterns, Chalice Veil, and Burse patterns. Now you can create your own Low Mass Vestment Set!
Church Vestments
Having a great sewing pattern is only the first step when creating church vestments. There have been so many requests for church vestment sewing classes in recent months. We appreciate and understand the challenges of actually putting that sewing pattern to use! Knowing how to work with brocade patterns, trims, and colors, and what techniques and skills are needed to create a beautifully finished piece are all sewing skills we were never taught.
Working with fabrics that cost hundreds of dollars per yard can be intimidating and overwhelming, to say the least! The fear of making one wrong cut can keep anyone frozen and afraid to even begin their project. I have personally lived this story! A beautiful piece of $240 per yard tapestry fabric was draped over my sewing and cutting table for 8 months before I summoned the courage to take that very first cut. But when I finally did, everything changed!
Upcoming announcements
In the next month or so, please keep watch for an announcement about a special opportunity to work directly with Carrie. Carrie is a master seamstress and church vestment maker. This will be your chance to see and experience firsthand the exact steps and processes we use in our studio today. You can learn to create the same lovely church vestments similar to those you see on our Facebook and Instagram pages. When you invest and grow in your sewing skills and understand how to work with these wonderful fabrics, you will no longer spend months in fear of starting your next church vestment sewing project.
Please like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram and watch for announcements about our upcoming classes on how to sew church vestments in the next few months.
In addition to this pattern, we also offer a variety of other Latin Mass Chasuble Sewing Patterns.
Soli Deo Gloria
The Goldwork embroidery designs are available on the website under the Applique Tab.
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