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Ecce Agnus Dei: Advent Chasuble with Luther Rose Brocade

Home » Ecce Agnus Dei: Advent Chasuble with Luther Rose Brocade


Ecce Agnus Dei: Advent Chasuble with Luther Rose Brocade

The phrase Ecce Agnus Dei—”Behold the Lamb of God“—is a powerful declaration found in Scripture, spoken by John the Baptist as he identifies Christ as the awaited Savior. This motif featured prominently on the center appliqué of our unique blue chasuble in Luther Rose brocade, brings to life the anticipation of Christ’s coming.

The Lamb of God, adorned in delicate embroidery, serves as a profound reminder of the true meaning of Advent: awaiting the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. But this chasuble doesn’t stop with the Ecce Agnus Dei motif. The orphrey bands are intricately adorned with symbols representing the O Antiphons—ancient prayers sung in the final days leading to Christmas, each one calling upon a different title of Christ.

From the Key of David to the Root of Jesse, these symbols add layers of meaning and beauty to the garment, reminding us of the prophecies fulfilled in Christ’s birth. Perfect for Advent, this chasuble weaves together both tradition and artistry.

When you look at this chasuble, it’s more than fabric and embroidery—it’s tradition and meaning, beautifully crafted to guide our hearts through Advent. Each detail invites reflection on Christ’s coming, adding reverence and depth to your worship.

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Soli Deo Gloria

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