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Category: Holy Week

Holy Week is a devotional with a penitential tone in the Christian liturgical calendar. It is a time for deep spiritual reflection, penance, and joyous celebration. This commemorative week marks the core of the Christian faith, as it recalls the events leading up to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

The holy week starts with Palm Sunday, which signifies Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The following day, Maundy Thursday, commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples, symbolizing his body and blood.

On Good Friday, Christians around the world remember Jesus’ crucifixion and death. It is a day of solemn reflection and mourning as believers recall the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity.

Meanwhile, Holy Saturday is a day of reflection and waiting, as Christians prepare for the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday. It is a time for fasting and observing, as people reflect on the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Finally, Easter Sunday marks the end point of Holy Week. It is a day of celebration, as Christians around the world gather to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Easter Sunday is a time for joy and hope, as believers participate in the promise of eternal life that Jesus’ resurrection represents.

Therefore, Holy Week is a time for us Christians to reflect on the central part of our faith. It is a period of solemn reflection, penance, and joyous celebration. As believers around the world commemorate the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, may we find comfort and hope in the promise of eternal life that Easter Sunday represents.

Symbols of Lent: Penitence to Hope

What are the symbols of Lent: Penitence to hope?
Ashes are probably one of the more recognizable symbols of Lent.
Churches that observe this, use purple vestments during Lent season.
Pretzels a Lenten treat that fits the dietary restrictions while reminding us to pray.
Fish on Friday and giving money during Lent.
What other symbols do you commonly see during this time of year in your church or in churches you have visited?

liturgical vestment fabric

Something Special For Lent and Good Friday: Black Vestment Fabrics

The Lenten Season is a time of year when black vestment fabrics are worn. The use of black will depend on which rites a church follows, but it is not uncommon to use black for Ash Wednesday as well as for Good Friday. This black brocade with a circle and cross motif has a nice weight and hand. It would work great if black hangings such as plain black banners were needed to drape in a church to create a somber mood for Good Friday. The fabric could also be used for any variety of church vestments and hangings.

Good Friday 2017 and Stabat Mater Dolorosa

Good Friday 2017 and Stabat Mater Dolorosa

Good Friday in 2017 – church adhered to solemn customs, draping the altar in black with six candles, the seventh being the Paschal candle. While black is our choice, I found practices in other churches, employing red or violet. Despite the somber tone of Good Friday services, they set the stage for a joyous Easter celebration.

Today we feast for tomorrow begins our fast!

Many Christians today overlook historic Church traditions and vestments. Like Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, and Episcopalian have unique practices and materials for their vestments. Despite the beauty of these traditions, many Christians are unaware of them, similar to the limited recognition of events like Fat Tuesday. The appreciation for and celebration of these practices often involve a smaller group within the broader Christian community.