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Category: Liturgical Fabrics, Trims and Appliques

Ecclesiastical Sewing is an ideal choice for quality liturgical fabrics, trims, and appliques. We work with the best manufacturers worldwide to bring you our handpicked selection of liturgical fabrics in a variety of colors, textures, and designs. Our fabrics range from rich brocades and silks to crisp cotton and linens, ensuring that we have the choice of material for every project and preference.

We know that quality materials are key to bringing your liturgical designs to life. That’s why we are committed to providing only quality materials for our customers. We carefully select our materials to ensure that they are not only beautiful but also durable. With our commitment to quality, you can trust that your finished products will withstand years with proper care.

In addition, our trims and appliques enhance intricate designs and fine craftsmanship, adding texture and dimension to any project. Whether you’re looking to create a new vestment or altar cloth, our selection of trims and appliques will take your designs to the next level.

Don’t wait any longer to elevate your liturgical designs. Shop with us today and experience the difference that quality materials can make. With our selection of liturgical fabrics, trims, and appliques, you’re sure to find the perfect materials to bring out your real ideas. Moreover, our commitment to quality ensures that your finished products will exceed your expectations. For an even more personalized touch, we also provide custom embroidery suggestions. Consider Ecclesiastical Sewing to assist you in fulfilling your liturgical dreams!

Liturgical Brocades: St. Aidan and Cloister Brocade

Liturgical brocades like St. Aidan and Cloister. These fabrics, ideal for both church vestments and academic wear, offer a subtle yet elegant design. St. Aidan comes in various colors corresponding to church seasons and academic degrees, while Cloister features a thistle and rose motif. These piece-dyed brocades are suitable for pastoral stoles and chasubles, allowing for creative design details like lightweight embroidery or orphrey bands.

St. Nicolas Rose Liturgical Brocade Fabric

The Fourth Special July Post

Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, is known as the “other” rose Sunday. While Advent is a preparatory, penitential, and contemplative season, Gaudete Sunday provides a reprieve from solemnity with lighter readings and the joyous sight of rose-colored vestments, a break from the usual dark blue, purple/violet, or black.

Glastonbury Roman Purple Information on a Brocade

Information on a Brocade

Glastonbury Brocade, originally designed by William Perkins around 1890 A.D., features a Rose and a Crown of Thorns. Legend has it that Joseph of Arimathea visited Glastonbury, England, in the first century and planted a thorn tree on Wearyall Hill. Clippings from the original tree, cut down during the English Civil War, were used to replant a new tree in 1951. This thorn tree is a symbol of interest for both Pagans and Christians, flowering around Easter and Christmas. With a small pattern repeat, Glastonbury Brocade carries a rich heritage and has been widely used for many years.

Fairford Blue Detail Large

The Second of The Special July Posts

Advent is the first season in the liturgical calendar and it is a season of preparation for celebrating Christ’s birth. It also reminds us to look ahead to the promised return of our Saviour. And as we look forward to this wonderful time, we also look inward at our own personal state, which leads to repentance. This is where the color purple, perhaps a lovely violet shade, is most appropriate.

Liturgical Fabric for Vestment

April’s Goals

April Goal – To sew a Gothic Chasuble. there are two Gothic Chasuble patterns, each is a slight variation. Constructing one of the variations of the Gothic Chasuble. The chasuble marked by its long sleeves. An oval or circular in shape if it were to be spread out flat on the floor. Draping over the priest or pastor, almost poncho-like in resemblance.

Luther Rose Stole Embroidery

Luther Rose Liturgical Brocade Church Vestment Fabric

The Luther Rose Liturgical Brocade Fabric, borne from collaboration and inspiration, symbolizes the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Designed with Patonce Cross and Luther Rose Emblem motifs, the fabric captures a distinctly Lutheran essence. The design with the guidance of skilled partners, including Edward Riojas, who added a vine motif. The result is a richly symbolic fabric, a testament to the dedication and support of those involved in its creation.

Chalice veil for Good Friday and Lent

Making a Chalice Veil Part II: Good Friday Chalice Veil

The Saint Augustine Chalice Veil is made from Silk Dupioni, which is a great option for black vestments used on Good Friday. Silk Dupioni is a good fabric choice for church vestment making because it looks rich, has a natural sheen, and a depth of color. Combining a solid fabric with a patterned orphrey allows the vestment to be visible from more than the first few rows of church pews.

Winchester Roman Purple Brocade

Liturgical Brocades: Fabrics for Making Church Vestments

Liturgical vestments, like stoles and chasubles, need fabric with both drape and firmness to hold their shapes. Fabrics must be carefully chosen for the right weight and body. M. Perkins and Sons, with over a century of experience, create Ecclesiastical Fabrics designed specifically for making church vestments. They prioritize yarn selection, ensuring the correct spin, loft, and thickness to achieve durability and proper form.

Aragon Red Lurex Liturgical Tapestry Fabric

Dainty Liturgical Fabrics? How Will They Look!

These fabrics often showcase medium to large patterns, like the Aragon Tapestry with its Jardinière design or Brocatelles such as Wakefield and Evesham. They are versatile for creating entire vestments or using cut pieces as accents. The size and scale offer endless possibilities, and shimmering threads woven into intricate designs enhance the beauty of the final vestments.

St. Margaret Liturgical Brocade used for Historical Costume

Liturgical Brocades Used for Church Vestments and Historical Costumes

Our Liturgical Brocade Fabrics have been designed and woven by the same company in the United Kingdom for over 140 years.  The patterns used in many of the Liturgical Brocade and damask fabrics come from historic sources such as paintings, frescoes, or paintings of vintage textiles. The top designers of the late 1800s, such as Sir Ninian Comper, created several fabric patterns that are still in production today.

Chelsmford Liturgical Silk Damask White Liturgical Fabric

White Liturgical Religious Fabrics for Making Church Vestments

Advent is a season of preparation that leads up to one of the most Festive seasons in the Church year. Christmas will soon be here, and with it comes the splendor and joy of the birth of our Redeemer, the Christ Child. Each season in the church year is marked by a change in vestment color and symbols. The color for Christmas is white or gold. White is also the color used for Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday, and Easter, along with several other festivals throughout the church year.

Hand Embroidered Linen Altar Set

Small Altar Linens and a Gift for You

Linens are an item used every day or every week in the life of most churches.  Linens are used for the most sacred and important part of a church service during the service of Holy Communion or the Eucharist. The small church linens or altar linens used in the Divine Service are the Fairlinen which is placed directly on the altar, the corporal, the lavabo towel, and the purificator. Some churches use a small side table that is covered by a Credence cloth.