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Surplice Pattern

Carlisle Fabric in White for Roman Square Yoke Surplice Patterns

Ecclesiastical Sewing has introduced a fabric called Carlisle, named after a cathedral. It’s affordable, easy to care for, and versatile for making church vestments. It costs less than $25 per yard, is 60 inches wide, and made of 100% polyester. You can use it for various vestment patterns like the Roman Square Yoke Surplice. The Hunter Green Carlisle was used to make a beautiful chasuble with a tapestry orphrey band. It’s great for Albs and surplices, easy to wash, and practical for regular use.

Sacristy Check List: 10 Things to Review for Fall

Prepare for fall by reviewing altar linens, checking inventory, and tidying storage. Examine baptismal items, altar hangings, server gowns, and clergy vestments. Ensure everything is in good condition, make repairs if needed, and consider replacements for worn-out items. Keep the Lord’s house well-maintained and ready for worship.

Trestle Stand Slate Frame Hand Embroidery Royal School of Needlework Frame Ecclesiastical Sewing

Trestle Stands for Slate Frames

The trestle stands and frames found on our website at Ecclesiastical Sewing are made from beech wood. You may see oak listed as a wood selection for a few of the slate frames. We have a few oak frames still available and they have been wonderful. But all of our frames in the future will be made using beech. Beech is a hardwood, but the grain is finer and that works so beautifully for these products.

Tippet fabric Grosgrain silk Bengaline Ecclesiastical Sewing

Sewing Tips: What is needed to make a Tippet

The tippet pattern is one of the many church vestment sewing patterns available through our Ecclesiastical Sewing online storefront. The tippet pattern is sized to have a nice length and width. Tippets are worn with a surplice and cassock as part of the choir dress. They are used for the offices of morning and evening prayer or at other times when Holy Communion is not served.

Rose Vestments Rose chasuble Priest clothing chasuble and stole priestly vestments religious vestments Bishop clothing Ecclesiastical Sewing

Rose Chasuble and Stole Vestments for Advent and Lent

Gaudete is a special Sunday in Advent when the readings have a lighter tone in the middle of what is a Penitential Season. This is the third Sunday in Advent when a rose or pink candle is lit on the Advent wreath. The color change reminds us that Christmas is near. We only need to wait a bit longer and our Alleluia will resound once again. Lent is also a Penitential Season of the church year. Laetare is on the fourth Sunday in Lent

Gilt Gold Twist Goldwork thread Gold work embroidery Ecclesiastical Sewing

Gilt Twist Goldwork Threads for Hand Embroidery

Gilt Twist goldwork threads, particularly in sizes No. 3 or No. 4 for outer edges and No. 1 1/2 or No. 2 for smaller areas, beautifully enhance goldwork appliques in embroidery. The choice of twist size depends on the design’s details and the width of the gold edge, ensuring a neat finish with one pass of stitching in pairs.

Prince of Peace Baxter 501 Years in the Making

Reformation 2018 – 501 Years in the Making

Reformation 2018 – 501 Years in the Making:: an incredible anniversary. The Reformation Embroidery Designs were created by Edward Riojas and Carrie Roberts. This set was the first major collaborative design collection created by both artisans and it marked the beginning of what has become a wonderful working relationship and friendship. The designs are unique in the world of vestment making.

Goldwork Embroidery Thread Imitation Japanese Gold Threads K1, K2, K3, K4 Goldwork hand embroidery Ecclesiastical sewing

Imitation Japanese Goldwork Embroidery Threads

Those who love hand embroidery and goldwork, these are Imitation Japanese Gold threads available in sizes No. 13, No. 12, No. 9, and No. 8 which are also known as K1, K2, K3, and K4. The gold threads are used in pairs. The gold threads are often worked on a padded surface such as felt padding. They may also be used as a finishing edge around an embroidered applique. The gold foil has a lovely burnished color that looks fiery – gold in a finished project.