The altar in the Mary Chapel allows a closer view of the altar linen. The edge of the linen is cut so that it hangs over the front of the altar by a few inches. This linen edge is embroidered using the colors of white and gold. There is so much white inside this Basilica. The gold provides a much-needed contrast so the altar linen is not lost among all of the other whites of the chapel. The design motifs of the altar linen feature a cross worked in gold embroidery thread, and a wheat and grape motif worked in white embroidery thread. The edge of the altar linen is scalloped with a scalloped or shell satin stitch, making a perfect complement to this lovely Basilica
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St. Alban’s was consecrated on September 17th, 1887. Following the consecration the Prince and Princess of Wales hosted a lunch on their royal ship for those who had worked to make the church a possibility. This church, although first and foremost a house of worship promoting freedom of religion, was as much a tool to connect European nations.
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Our Saviour’s Church, built in 1680 by architect Lambert van Haven, stands on the site of a 1639 church. In the Dutch Baroque style, its Greek cross floor plan reaches 36 meters in height. The design emphasizes order in creation, with focus on God and divine right following the king. The altar, crafted by Nicodemus Tessin in 1732, uniquely depicts the Garden of Gethsemane instead of a crucifixion.
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The mosaic of Christ holding a book with the words “Ego Dominus Et Magister” offers design inspiration. Details like the nimbus with cross and diamond border could be beautifully translated into hand-embroidered silk and gold threads. The orphrey on Christ’s shoulder is simple yet elegant. The swirling clouds and the mosaic border with a scroll motif and a cross framed in an oval shape also provide intriguing design ideas.
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Vintage church vestment treasures at St. Leo Monastery in Florida, Discovering a cross, made from galloon trim, the Wakefield liturgical fabric and the maniple.
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Spring travels led to St. Leo Monastery in Florida, a serene retreat with a beautiful chapel set against a lake. The exterior’s simplicity contrasts with the rich terracotta stone and tile color, a wall side lining hanging with tapestry fabric in deep reds, rusts, golds, and terracotta. The chapel’s design, statues, and fabric create a peaceful atmosphere for prayer. Despite being a brief visit, the monastery left a lasting impression, showcasing the beauty found in both vestments and architectural details.
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Features of Church architecture and Church Vestments awaiting our viewing pleasure.
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This Book of Prayer is a part of the Collection of Rare Books at the Concordia Seminary Library on the LC-MS Seminary Campus in St. Louis, MO. The Rare Books Library houses a unique collection of rare volumes relating to Church History, specifically, Lutheran Church History
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A trip to the Ursuline Center to explore interested items related to Ecclesiastical Embroidery and Vestments. The travel included stops at the Museum and the artist tower, and discovered a collection of hand-embroidered pieces and a few Ecclesiastical Banners that were hand-painted.
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