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Category: Liturgical Fabrics, Trims and Appliques

Ecclesiastical Sewing is an ideal choice for quality liturgical fabrics, trims, and appliques. We work with the best manufacturers worldwide to bring you our handpicked selection of liturgical fabrics in a variety of colors, textures, and designs. Our fabrics range from rich brocades and silks to crisp cotton and linens, ensuring that we have the choice of material for every project and preference.

We know that quality materials are key to bringing your liturgical designs to life. That’s why we are committed to providing only quality materials for our customers. We carefully select our materials to ensure that they are not only beautiful but also durable. With our commitment to quality, you can trust that your finished products will withstand years with proper care.

In addition, our trims and appliques enhance intricate designs and fine craftsmanship, adding texture and dimension to any project. Whether you’re looking to create a new vestment or altar cloth, our selection of trims and appliques will take your designs to the next level.

Don’t wait any longer to elevate your liturgical designs. Shop with us today and experience the difference that quality materials can make. With our selection of liturgical fabrics, trims, and appliques, you’re sure to find the perfect materials to bring out your real ideas. Moreover, our commitment to quality ensures that your finished products will exceed your expectations. For an even more personalized touch, we also provide custom embroidery suggestions. Consider Ecclesiastical Sewing to assist you in fulfilling your liturgical dreams!

Silk Dupioni is used for Church Vestments and Church Embroidery

Ecclesiastical Vestment Fabric Cost

Choosing fabrics for Ecclesiastical Sewing involves factors like season, budget, and project duration. Silk Dupioni and cost-effective options suit various vestment pieces. True Ecclesiastical Fabrics like Fairford and Wakefield, though pricier, offer quality and durability. Their longevity justifies the investment, making the cost minimal over the Vestment’s service life.

Stylized Floral Motif

Ecclesiastical Fabric Pattern Repeats

Pattern repeats in Ecclesiastical fabrics might sound scary, but fear not! Let’s take a lovely brocade, like the Florence from the UK. It’s got motifs like floral stars and stylized flowers. The key is the “pattern repeat.” For Florence, it’s 14 1/2″ both lengthwise and widthwise. So, if you start at a point on a motif and follow it until you hit the same point on the next identical motif, that’s one repeat. Simple! It’s like a beautiful puzzle waiting to be solved.

Nearing the end of the upper sky on the Angus Dei Ecclesiastical Embroidery Project

Large Agnus Dei Update

In the Agnus Dei Ecclesiastical Embroidery Project, significant progress has been made on the upper sky. Using long-laid stitches and horizontal guide marks, the detailed stitching maintains parallel and straight alignment. Frequent thread changes are necessary due to the 6 1/2″ stitch width, but the process speeds up as intricate details around the cross are left behind. The joy of completing a major portion of the sky-laid work is evident, with two-thirds now finished.

The largest Ecclesiastical Embroidered Agnus Dei measures just under 15" in size.

The Second Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

The Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design for the Altar Frontal features the largest Lamb, measuring about 15″ in width. The sky is stitched in Royal Floss, a vivid blue from the Belding Brothers Company. Goldwork details use #4 Smooth Passing with Silk Core from Access Commodities. The design aims for a bright and radiant sky, symbolizing the glorious Resurrection.

Lining up Silk Dupioni on Alba Maxima Linen

A Simple Design Framed Up

Beginning the IHS Embroidery design project after a weekend of preparations. Silk Dupioni and Alba Maxima linen framed up, with the Evertite Frame chosen despite size constraints. Aligning and stretching the silk carefully, the design is transferred using a homemade charcoal and blue quilt pounce mixture. Success in the transfer marks the start of drawing lines and initiating the first stitches in this Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design.

Ecclesiastical Linen.

Wash on Friday, Iron on Saturday

Cleaning and ironing linen, though often disliked, proved essential for ecclesiastical projects. Preshrinking Alba Maxima, Ecclesiastical Linen, and Linen Cambric involved a careful process of soaking, rinsing, and pressing. Despite the effort, working with well-prepared linen, particularly Ecclesiastical Linen, was satisfying and crucial for successful embroidery.

Complete Blue Sky Background on Small Agnus Dei Embroidery Project, The Tale of Two Lambs

From the Beginning in The Tale of Two Lambs

Starting with a small Agnus Dei hand embroidery design, The Tale of Two Lambs turned into two projects – in sizes small and large. Limited Ecclesiastical designs led to this traditional choice. The smaller Agnus Dei, at 8 1/2″, fits a chasuble’s back. As the project continued, minor changes improved the second design. The small lamb’s hill, initially stitched in camouflage green, became serene blue. Using Soie Ovale for the sky presented challenges, but the finished product was pleasing. Careful placement of gold passing thread helped secure the silk strands, enhancing the design.

Angus Dei Embroidery Pattern, Sources of Inspiration from Lucy Mackrille

Sources of Inspiration from Lucy Mackrille

The inspiration for current Ecclesiastical Embroidery projects comes from Lucy Mackrille’s book, featuring the Victorious Angus Dei with a quatrefoil frame. The Italian Stitch, damascene stitch, and goldwork embroidery threads are used, drawing from a wealth of knowledge provided by Mackrille’s book and online mentors. The fear of trying new techniques diminishes with thorough reading and guidance.

White Garment for Holy Baptism

White Garment for Holy Baptism

Creating a special garment for Holy Baptism—a simple, symbolic white piece to signify putting on the Holiness of Christ. This keepsake, though used briefly, holds significance as part of the Order of Holy Baptism. An easy project with a tiny neckline, a cross or shell design, and simple edges, making it a meaningful and quick creation for a memorable occasion. Perfect for families who wish to cherish the remembrance of their infant’s baptism.

The Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

The Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs

Making of the Littlest Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs. Created on Alba Maxima linen from Hedgehog Handworks, this lamb comes to life with stitches and delicate shading. The linen provides a perfect canvas, and the project is stretched on an Evertite Frame. Various hand embroidery techniques, including long and short stitch shading, satin stitch, laid work, goldwork couching, split stitch, and stem stitch outlining, contribute to the lamb’s intricate details.

A Tale of Two Lambs Embroidery project on

The Tale of Two Lambs

“The Tale of Two Lambs” is about making special decorations for a church, like Easter cloths. At first, the results weren’t good so, learning more became the focus. The Angus Dei featuring two lambs—one small for a robe and one big for an altar cloth. The story is about learning and getting better at sewing with silk and gold threads, with more things to find out along the way.