The capital of Montana is Helena. The cathedral’s entrance features impressive stone carvings, and the interior is grand with rich burgundy tones, metallic gold paint, and brass fixtures. The stained glass windows, numbering over 75, exhibit meticulous detail, resembling painted scenes with fine facial features, expressive eyes, and a heavenly gaze.
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Fair Linens are hand hemmed with a simple slip stitch worked in even tiny stitches. The quality of the hand hemming is determined by the number of stitches made in each inch of length, as well as the evenness of the stitching. To aid in obtaining even, tiny stitches, use a single strand of fine cotton thread such as YLI Heirloom Thread which is a 100/2 size, or a similar fine sewing thread.
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The measurement of making an Altar Fair Linen – The altar height: measure from the top edge of the altar to the floor. Measure the width of the altar from the front to the back. Measure the length of the altar from one side to the opposite side. Optional: measure the hang from the top edge down the side of the Fair Linen to match the length of an altar hanging.
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Altar linens serve distinct liturgical functions: Fair Linen covers the altar, Corporal holds vessels, Pall a square linen stiffened with either cardboard or plexiglass. Purificator a small square linen used to wipe the communion vessels during the sacrament, Lavabo Towel dries hands, Credence Cloth covers a side table, Chalice Veil conceals post-communion, Cere Cloth protects from dampness, Dust Cloth safeguards Fair Linen, and Sick Call Set facilitates individual communion.
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Ecclesiastical Sewing: Reading for a Summer Road Trip – It is that time of year for the long-awaited and greatly anticipated family road trip. The destination: Glacier National Park, with a few side trips along the way. With a ten-day trip and miles of roads between Minnesota and Montana,
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The altar in the Mary Chapel allows a closer view of the altar linen. The edge of the linen is cut so that it hangs over the front of the altar by a few inches. This linen edge is embroidered using the colors of white and gold. There is so much white inside this Basilica. The gold provides a much-needed contrast so the altar linen is not lost among all of the other whites of the chapel. The design motifs of the altar linen feature a cross worked in gold embroidery thread, and a wheat and grape motif worked in white embroidery thread. The edge of the altar linen is scalloped with a scalloped or shell satin stitch, making a perfect complement to this lovely Basilica
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St. Alban’s was consecrated on September 17th, 1887. Following the consecration the Prince and Princess of Wales hosted a lunch on their royal ship for those who had worked to make the church a possibility. This church, although first and foremost a house of worship promoting freedom of religion, was as much a tool to connect European nations.
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Our Saviour’s Church, built in 1680 by architect Lambert van Haven, stands on the site of a 1639 church. In the Dutch Baroque style, its Greek cross floor plan reaches 36 meters in height. The design emphasizes order in creation, with focus on God and divine right following the king. The altar, crafted by Nicodemus Tessin in 1732, uniquely depicts the Garden of Gethsemane instead of a crucifixion.
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The mosaic of Christ holding a book with the words “Ego Dominus Et Magister” offers design inspiration. Details like the nimbus with cross and diamond border could be beautifully translated into hand-embroidered silk and gold threads. The orphrey on Christ’s shoulder is simple yet elegant. The swirling clouds and the mosaic border with a scroll motif and a cross framed in an oval shape also provide intriguing design ideas.
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Installing a pastor in a new congregation is a special event, and many fellow pastors make a point of attending installation services to provide support, encourage, and pray for the newly called pastor. The service is rich and meaningful, with each pastor in attendance selecting and reading a scriptural text over the new pastor.
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Evesham is a metallic brocade, which is difficult to capture in photos. There is a tiny glimmer of metallic threads that outline the ogee motif. As much as I like the Red and gold color combination of Evesham. The lovely white gold version of Evesham that is so very lovely in soft candlelight. The white gold is a lovely choice for Christmas and Easter Celebrations.
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Cloister is a reversible symbolic pattern that dates from around the year 1900. If one looks closely, it is easy to see the two main design features of the Scottish Thistle and the English Rose which were popular at that time. Cloister is a lighter-weight ecclesiastical fabric that would work well for making stoles, chasubles, tunics, dalmatics, chalice veils, and other vestment pieces. Cloister would work well with machine embroidery when the proper stabilizers and backings are used.
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In the late 1800s, Mary Barber created a lovely collection of many examples of Opus Anglicanum.
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Vintage church vestment treasures at St. Leo Monastery in Florida, Discovering a cross, made from galloon trim, the Wakefield liturgical fabric and the maniple.
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The design is a simple cross with three rays in each corner between cross bars. The Altar Linen Embroidery Design is available in 4 sizes, for purificators, lavabos, corporal a, and even the corners of a fair linen. This church linen embroidery design will use a few basic stitches such as the split stitch for an outline, and a stem stitch for the rays
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