Ecclesiastical Sewing uploaded new machine embroidery designs online in the hopes that these might provide peace and a sense of usefulness to someone as they create something beautiful for their house of worship.
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Epiphany is a feast day in the Western church, white vestments and paraments are used. Sometimes gold is substituted. There aren’t any specific Epiphany symbols, but there are often representations of the Three Kings elsewhere in churches.
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Christmas rose, also known as the Glastonbury Rose. This is a little white flower that grows in northern Europe during the winter. Legend has it that the Christmas rose is of miraculous origin. As the Christmas rose represents purity, it has often been carved into confessionals as a five-petal flower: the penitent walks in a guilty sinner, and out with their purity restored. It also appears in plenty of medieval heraldry, among other uses.
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From the very beginning, Christians have celebrated Advent with some antiphons like O Radix Jesse that encapsulate the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the Incarnation. “O Radix Jesse,” translated in English as “O Root of Jesse,” celebrates the royal descent of Jesus through His mother Mary.
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Ecclesiastical Sewing introduced a design collection entitled Dayspring. The collection features timeless and elegant designs created by our liturgical artist friend, Edward Riojas. The collection features a variety of design themes that symbolize both the Nativity of Christ and His Resurrection. The designs were gold threads stitched on white paraments and vestments, featuring designs like the IHC monogram with a rising sun, the Pomegranate design, and several others found in our various collections.
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If your travel plans include a visit to Minnesota, this is an Ecclesiastical Arts Needlework Collection worth seeing. Many of the pieces in the collection are becoming fragile with age, and so, this may be the last exhibit for some of the pieces in the collection. The rose copes shown in the above photo are embroidered on a lovely white silk ground fabric. The piece is close to 100 years old or more.
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Born as Aurelius Ambrosius in 334 A.D., the man we know as St. Ambrose grew up in Gaul where his father held a high post as prefecture. It is said that a swarm of bees visited the infant Ambrose, landing upon his eyes and lips. This tradition claims to be the source of Ambrose’s ability later in life to speak in honeyed, caring words. So, the beehive has become the symbol most frequently associated with St. Ambrose because it is a symbol of eloquence. The symbol for St. Ambrose relate to the ex-communication of Emperor Theodosius for his massacre of the people of Thessalonica.
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Each renowned saint has his or her own symbol in ecclesiastical sewing. A church that is named after a blessed saint can place that saint’s symbol on a piece of ecclesiastical vestment. All Saints Day, is the celebration of all of the Christian saints. During the mass persecutions, saints were martyred and there was no way to keep track of them all and mark each day as their own saint’s day. And so All Saints Day is the day we remember them. We decorate our churches in white, which reminds the feasting eyes of the congregation of the triumph of the saints, washed of their sins and made as white as snow by the all-availing sacrifice of Christ Our Saviour.
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Ecclesiastical Footwear? C0113517921/[/embed] One can only imagine the honor of making a special pair of shoes for the Pope. These truly are a work of art. I hope you… Read more Ecclesiastical Footwear? →
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This Book of Prayer is a part of the Collection of Rare Books at the Concordia Seminary Library on the LC-MS Seminary Campus in St. Louis, MO. The Rare Books Library houses a unique collection of rare volumes relating to Church History, specifically, Lutheran Church History
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The stitching on hand embroidery project is not overly difficult. This would make a great beginner’s project with a few modifications, such as using floss padding, and a single strand of embroidery floss for the laid stitching.
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The Passion Cross has black felt padding, over which Au Ver A Soie, Soie Ovale is being stitched. A base of silk threads would be laid to create a padded surface, and then begin the stitching over thread padding.
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Creating Chalice Veil Cross in 20 minutes.
– The Design for the Chalice Veil Passion Cross is small. There was a tiny scrap of linen, washed and pressed, and with the right size, along with a piece of Kona Cotton to use as a backing. This was the perfect project for a small round hoop.
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Looking for Ecclesiastical symbols? Check “Christian Symbols” for a book on Christian symbols and free PDF downloads. “Project Canterbury” has “Embroidery for Church Guilds” with simple designs. “Corpus Christi Watershed” archives complex Catholic Line Art. These resources inspire meaningful Ecclesiastical Embroidery projects.
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A trip to the Ursuline Center to explore interested items related to Ecclesiastical Embroidery and Vestments. The travel included stops at the Museum and the artist tower, and discovered a collection of hand-embroidered pieces and a few Ecclesiastical Banners that were hand-painted.
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