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Installation of a New Pastor

Within the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, red is the traditional liturgical color to be worn for installation service.  And look at all of the lovely red stoles! Within our church body, it is tradition for pastors within the local circuit to attend the installation service of a brother pastor. At this installation service, there were a total of seventeen pastors vested in red stoles! There is a wealth and abundance in the variety of pastoral stoles.

Black Silk Dupioni Stole with Fairford Orphrey Bands

Finished Stoles: Fairford Black/Gold

Finished Fairford Black/Gold Pastoral Stole, a farewell gift for our pastor. This stole is perfect for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The black silk dupioni and Fairford brocade orphrey bands in black/gold create a stunning look. with a budget-friendly materials like silk dupioni and the beautiful St. Benet braid trim. Added a cross and chain for the finishing touch.

St. Hubert Fabric

Orphrey Bands for Altar Frontal

The Orphrey bands for the altar frontal will be cut from St. Hubert Gold/Gold. St. Hubert is a brocatelle Ecclesiastical Fabric originally designed by Sir Ninian Comper and produced by M. Perkins and Sons circa 1890. The fabric will be available on our new website shortly after the first of the year in several colorways, including Red/Gold, White/Gold, Blue/Gold, Black/Gold, and Gold/Gold as in the above photo.  St. Hubert is one of my favorite go-to ecclesiastical fabrics.  It cuts up well for use in orphrey bands. The above orphrey bands are approximately 7″ wide before adding any trims

Sewing Galloon Trim to Orphrey Bands

Sewing Galloon Trim to Orphrey Bands

Sewing galloon trim to orphrey bands for pastoral stoles. Pre-make orphrey bands by pinning galloon trim to the base fabric before stitching. Ensure the surged edge is halfway up the trim to avoid fraying. Use an even feed foot on the sewing machine to prevent puckering. Stitch close to the galloon edge, back-stitching at the start and end. Repeat for each orphrey piece, maintaining even stitching. Check the position of the fourth piece to ensure alignment. This method reduces puckers and ensures a polished look for your pastoral stole. Happy sewing!

Ecclesiastical Cross Embroidery Designs

How to Cut Orphrey Bands

Fairford brocade offers two motifs: a pineapple and an ogee design. Choose the pineapple for the lower band and align it within selected cutting lines. Ensure minimal waste and use the ogee design for upper orphrey bands. Draw cutting lines with tailor’s chalk once satisfied with the design. Cut the motifs carefully, considering future usability of small fabric pieces.

Silver Stars for Advent Stole

Silver Stars for Advent Stole: Part 2

The design motif for the Advent stole is a simple star worked in Cloth of Silver. This simple design would be great to work with an embroidery patch and heat press system. The stars are outlined with a satin stitch, and detail stitches are added in the centers.  A few additional stitching lines may be added to create the rays that “shine on the place where the Christ Child lays.

Update on Changes

Update on Changes Update on Changes. Getting a new online business up and rolling has its fair share of challenges. There are samples to collect, fabrics and trims to source, patterns to draft, and sample garments to create. Throw in a few life moments like a college graduation, wedding, and a remodel, along with numerous photography sessions needed to capture images of stunning Ecclesiastical Fabrics and trims…..and yes, it does take time to pull it all together.  The original plan was to launch the new online storefront in early November,… Read more Update on Changes