The Balance of Mercy and Justice

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The Balance of Mercy and Justice

Liturgical stole

“Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.” – Thomas Aquinas

Think about that for a second. What’s the point of mercy if it’s not balanced with justice? And where would we be without mercy when justice seems overwhelming? Kyrie eleison—“Lord, have mercy”—is a phrase that goes back to the 4th century. It’s a simple plea but with huge significance.

Liturgical stole

Early Christians worshiped it as a cry for help, compassion, and divine intervention. And here’s the thing: we still use it today. Why? Because it’s just as relevant now as it was then. You hear it in church services, sometimes as a chant or spoken response. But it’s more than words. It’s a reminder of how much we need God’s grace. We’re all in the same boat—fallen and doomed without hope—and Kyrie Eleison acknowledges that we’re wholly dependent on the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So why should we care? Recognizing our need for mercy changes the way we approach life. It makes us more humble, more willing to ask for help, and more compassionate toward others. And hey, who doesn’t need a little more grace in their life?

Liturgical stole

As Psalm 51:1 says: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions.”Mercy and grace—that’s what keeps everything from falling apart.

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