Church Mass ‘Too Long’ But Netflix Isn’t? What the Bible Says

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Church Mass ‘Too Long’ But Netflix Isn’t? What the Bible Says

Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble - Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys
Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble – Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold

We live in a world where people will sit through a three-hour football game, binge an entire Netflix series on a weekend, or scroll endlessly on their phones—but when it comes to Mass, suddenly, an hour is “too long”.

Eternity is forever. And what we do here prepares us for that reality.

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” — 2 Corinthians 4:17

Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble - Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys
Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble – Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys

One Hour That Matters

Mass isn’t just a routine or a box to check. It’s a foretaste of heaven. It’s where the veil between heaven and earth is lifted, where we stand with the angels and saints in worship before God (Revelation 4:8-11). The early Christians understood this deeply—many risked their lives to attend the Divine Liturgy.

Sunday Worship Then and Now

St. Justin Martyr (2nd century) wrote about how early Christians gathered every Sunday to hear Scripture and partake in the Eucharist.

On the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together in one place… then the Eucharist is distributed and consumed by all, and deacons carry a portion to those who are absent.

Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble - Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys
Red Luther Rose Brocade Dove and VDMA Pentecost Chasuble – Dice Braid Trim With Red and Gold Wakefield Orphreys

When Ten Minutes Feels Too Long

These believers faced persecution, exile, and even death—yet they made time for Mass. And today, some of us complain if the homily runs over by ten minutes.

When Jesus asked His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40), He wasn’t just speaking to them—He was speaking to us.

Mass is where heaven touches earth. It’s the greatest privilege we have as Christians. Instead of asking “Why is it so long?” we should be asking “How can I love Christ more?”

Because one day, we’ll stand before Him. And in that moment, we won’t be thinking about how long Mass was. We’ll be grateful we showed up.

Eternity awaits us all. Let us prepare our hearts accordingly.

Soli Deo Gloria

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