White Garment for Holy Baptism

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White Garment for Holy Baptism

Today we celebrated Holy Baptism for an infant girl in our congregation.  As part of the Order of Holy Baptism, the Pastor places a white garment on the child signifying putting on the Holiness of Christ.

White Garment for Holy Baptism

A Keepsake of Baptismal Significance

This is a rather simple little item to make up.  It consists of a front and back piece, with a tiny neckline curved for the front and back.  One shoulder seam is sewn, and the other has snapped.  On the front of the garment, an appropriate design such as a cross or a shell may be fused in place, stitched, or appliqued.  The edges can be as simple as serging, folding under, and edge stitching. 

I have to admit that I did not put a great deal of time into this. It is something used for about 5 minutes.  It is nice to have this as part of the service, but it does not rise to the same level as making a Christening gown.  The entire little project should not take very long to make.  This becomes a nice little keepsake for the family to have in remembrance of the infant’s baptism.

Making Baptismal Blankets for Infants

Now this may or may not be part of the service for various churches. For those churches that do have this as part of the Order of Holy Baptism for infants, it is an easy little thing to make up and have a few ready in the sacristy for those new babies.  The bonus for me is that there were several pieces of white fabric hanging around in the sewing room waiting to be used for something. They were too small for most projects, but too large to throw away.  Making up several of these cleared a couple of pieces of fabric out of the stash.  That is always a great thing!

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