Classes for Church Needlework

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Classes for Church Needlework

Learning about Ecclesiastical Sewing and Classes for Church needlework has been a work in progress for many years now.  Someday it would be wonderful to take a real, live course with a real instructor. But alas, my instruction, for now, must come in the form of books and self-education.

Books of the Great Ecclesiastical Designers
Books of the Great Ecclesiastical Designers

But for those who can do a little traveling, or have the ability to do distance learning courses, there are a few places offering courses that might be of interest to the church needlework scholar.

Hexaemeron’s Traditional Icon Classes

One of the first sites stumbled across quite by accident offering courses in Ecclesiastical Embroidery was by Hexaemeron. Traditional Icon embroidery classes are taught several times a year at varying locations across the US by Olga Fishchuk.  The Schedule for 2015 Classes now on the Hexaemeron website provides pictures of various works to be completed at different skill levels. The courses sound wonderful, based on the rich instruction techniques and history of Byzantine and Russian embroidery from the 14th to the 17th centuries.  There is much to read about, so do head on over to the various links to learn more about embroidered icons.

Williamsburg School of Needlework’s Colonial Embroidery Courses

Taking a completely different turn, once again we can step back in the past, this time heading to the Williamsburg School of Needlework in Colonial Williamsburg. The courses offered at the Williamsburg School of Needlework seem to focus on whitework techniques used for church linens. The course list has basic course sessions 1 and 2, along with courses for sacred monograms, and whitework.  The courses sound wonderful, and it would be fun to immerse oneself in a course for 9 to 11 days. Imagine how, with intense practice under the guidance of an experienced teacher, one could progress in skills!  There is a page on the Williamsburg School of Needlework that has detailed hand embroidery course descriptions.

This is not an extensive list of church needlework courses, and with a little research, one is sure to find other options available for Ecclesiastical embroidery courses.* Perhaps readers could share links to courses they are familiar with from their own countries.

Have you had a chance to travel or take any courses relating to Ecclesiastical Embroidery or church embroidery?  If so, please feel free to share any resources in the comments below.

Solo Dei Gloria

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*NB: The courses listed are for informational purposes only.  I am not affiliated and make no representation as to the quality of the instructors or the courses.  Please be sure to contact the affiliated embroidery schools to learn more about their respective programs.

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