What Vestments Does a Priest Need: Part 2
What Vestments Does a Priest Need: Part 2
What Vestments Does a Priest Need: Part 2: After the busy Holy Week and Easter Services, it was time for a quick trip south for a few short days. The days were warm and pleasant, the flowers and trees blossomed, and everything was green. Nothing is in bloom yet in Minnesota, so I will have the chance to re-enjoy spring a second time later this year. Now that I am back, and waiting for spring number two, it is time to resume work on a few Ecclesiastical Sewing projects.
Today, being a travel day, was too exhausting to dive right in on a project. Instead, we will take a few moments to continue talking about Vestments needed by a Priest or Pastor. Once the cassock and alb are in place, the next vestment needed is the amice.
Although the amice is a simple garment, it has undergone a few changes over the years. In looking at the early sewing reference books on the amice, the dimensions suggest a square of fabric be used. Other early forms included the square or rectangular design without any type of collar. A small cross could be embroidered at the upper and lower edges. Then, this unique early amice design had eyelets worked in the four corners. The ties were inserted through the eyelet holes on the upper edge. When the amice was soiled, it was turned over to the opposite edge, and the ties were inserted in the new eyelet holes. What an interesting idea!
The next interesting observation was that in some instructions, the ties were placed at the upper outside corners, while in others, the ties were placed at the lower edge of the collar. In theory, the placement of the ties on both designs should work well. The difference is how and where the ties were positioned and placed while in use.
Amice apparel has become an important design element, and many options are available. The simplest design option is to make the collar apparel from either plain linen or to use a more elaborate collar. The apparel may be permanently attached or removable.
Rome Amice
An embellishment of the amice with embroidery is traditional, most often having a cross at the lower edge, or in the center of the back. But how about something a little more elaborate? The above whitework embroidery on the amice back is beautiful!
In the coming weeks, we will look at the amice a little bit closer, especially about specifics on sizes and collar variations.
Solo Dei Gloria
Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designs, church vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.
Lutheran Bäffchen or Clergy Collar
Travels and Ecclesiastical Sewing Treasures