Liturgical Embroidery Designs Phase 2

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Liturgical Embroidery Designs Phase 2

Summer is so short-lived in Minnesota. It is hard to be inside working on the Liturgical Embroidery Designs when the sky is sunny, and the evenings are pleasant.  Of course, there is always the dog demanding his share of attention, along with a walk to visit his favorite haunts.  So, to feel like something has been accomplished with the distractions of a mid-summer day, tonight was “back to the drawing board,” using the computer, of course, to work on more Liturgical Embroidery Designs. This Liturgical embroidery design is where things were left after the previous session.

Embroidery Design

Fleur Cross Design
Fleur Cross Liturgical Embroidery Design

The biggest drawback when creating Liturgical Embroidery Designs is the failure to take the time needed to learn the computer program.

Hand embroidery design for church linens
Hand embroidery design for church linens

When one is inspired by a design concept, one wants to work out design issues, rather than spending time learning a program………but then there is a price to pay for this failure to learn the program.  It’s laughingly called the “Stuck” syndrome.  It goes something like this: a great thought hits, and I try something, but it doesn’t work. I need to do something else, and I get stuck. Sometimes, one can wiggle and squiggle and find a way out.

 design Fleur de lis
Liturgical embroidery design Fleur de lis

At other times, it is hopeless. There is nothing to be done, except call the household computer wizard and beg him for help (definition: computer wizard equates to teenage son).  Thankfully, the wizard is pleasant and amiable to the concept of being on call to assist a hopelessly lost parent with the challenges of a computer program.

Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design Fleur de lis
Fleur Cross Liturgical Embroidery Design

So, after a bit of trial and error, the Fleur Cross design emerged.  It is coming along. This hand embroidery design would be suitable for a burse, or if resized, a pall, a pulpit fall, or an altar frontal.  But……….I think there are still a few more Ecclesiastical Embroidery design ideas that need to be worked through.  Until next time.

Solo Dei Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

Fleur pom cross

You might find this short video about pressing linen interesting.

Easter Sunrise Hand Embroidery Design

Liturgical Embroidery Design

Liturgical Fabrics

