The Fourth Special July Post

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The Fourth Special July Post


This is the plural imperative form of the second conjugation of the Latin verb “Gaudeo, Gaudere, Gavisus” to rejoice. If you take the second principle part–the infinitive–and chop off the “-re,” what is left is actually the singular imperative. To make it plural, add the “-te.” The imperative is a verb that gives a command or an order, but it does not have a negative connotation attached to it.

So why the short grammar/Latin lesson? First, I’m a nerd/dork and love this stuff. Second, it is summer and if I do not actively practice my Latin, I shall be in poor shape come the fall semester in September. And third–this actually has to do with Ecclesiastical Sewing– “Gaudete” is a fond term that we attach to a specific Sunday in–you guessed it!–Advent.

Gaudete Sunday

Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent; it is that “other” rose Sunday. Although there is a difference in feeling between Advent and Lent, Advent has actually been called the Lent of Christmas. Advent is a preparatory, penitential, and contemplative season. But just as in Lent, we are given a reprieve from the solemnity. For this special Sunday, we are treated to a lighter fare as far as the readings, psalms, and canticles/introits/hymns. Our eyes are also given the joy of viewing Rose colored vestments instead of dark blue, purple/violet, or even black vestments.

True Rose-Colored Vestments

Now these ought to be true Rose colored vestments, not bubblegum or Pepto-Bismol color. We have two true rose-colored brocades: Florence Brocade and Winchester Brocade. The St. Nicholas Damask has a deeper rose, which could work if desired. And for trim, we have a Pugin Orphrey in rose. We also have one stole style in Rose.

And on August 5th, we are going to have a rose stole and a rose chalice veil special. These are one-of-a-kind items. We embroidered a silver patonce cross and then tried gold lining to see how it looked.

Part of product development is testing fabrics, colors, and embroideries. We will be selling this stole and chalice veil as a product with a different lining. However, we will not replicate this sample with the gold lining.

So,  set your clocks, because at 8 A.M. Central Time on August 5th, we will launch this one-of-a-kind stole and chalice veil, offering a discounted price for a quick sale. There are no codes; the price will just be lower. First come, first serve and the early bird gets the worm! #violetORblue

Thank you for following and reading along!

~Nihil Sine Deo~

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

The First of The Special July Posts

Rose Stoles for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays

Introducing my new website Ecclesiastical Sewing


1 Comment »

  1. “Laetare Sunday” 8 years of Latin!
    You state this will be up for grabs in August. Is there any price on it yet? Which style of chasuble
    Gothic or Monastic? Love the new pattern I received a couple of weeks ago. I won’t have time to make one for Advent, “Gaudete” but if I have to will order fabric and give is the old school try.
    Lurline Jennings