White and Gold Religious Fabrics

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White and Gold Religious Fabrics

A few days ago we shared some information about a collection of specially purchased black fabrics* that are available for this season of Lent and Good Friday. Ecclesiastical Sewing is pleased to let you know that we also have a selection of white and gold religious fabrics available as part of this special purchase. The fabrics come in several different pattern designs.

White Church Vestment Brocade Fabric

This is one of my favorite liturgical brocades in the special purchase collection.  This bright white brocade fabric has a cross inset in a diamond motif. The pattern is unique and easy to work with. It looks great when made up in an assortment of vestments such as chasubles and even a cope. Now, if you have always wanted a cope but they have been out of your price range, consider trying this fabric and make your own vestment.

Liturgical Brocade Church Vestment Fabric

Liturgical Brocade Fabrics for Church Vestments and Altar Hangings

Next is an elongated cross in an oval motif. The fabric has a nice assortment of detail and interest in the weaving pattern. This would make a lovely altar hanging for a little side chapel or a mission congregation. Stop and think of the various locations where you worship or know where others worship. Could they use a gift in the way of updated vestments and altar hangings? What about a series of banners in the sanctuary to celebrate Easter?  There are possibilities without limits where this fabric could be put to use.

Religious Brocade Church Vestment Fabric

Sometimes the event or festival calls for a bit of shimmer and shine. Lurex threads add the shimming effect to this liturgical brocade fabric. Use this for a complete chasuble or for an altar frontal. It also cut into orphrey bands.

Liturgical Fabrics

Ivory and gold are the base colors for this liturgical brocade also. This fabric uses finer gold threads in the weaving process.  The result is an understated glow that catches the light as the fabric moves and flows. This is an elegant fabric that is unusual to find at an introductory price. The fabric hangs in lovely folds and drapes well, making it suitable for chasubles and copes. It cuts well for orphrey band accents on other projects.

Religious Fabrics Liturgical Brocades

Last but not least is this all-over brocade pattern woven with gold lurex threads. The pattern features a circle motif with cross accents between the circles. The pattern repeat is small, making this an easy brocade fabric to cut and sew.

Collection of Liturgical Brocade Fabrics

This collection of special fabrics is available for a limited time only. It is not a collection that we are planning to carry in the future. It is intended for use by churches with limited budgets who would like something special to mark the festive seasons of the church year. These liturgical brocade fabrics work well for making banners. Also, great “teaching” fabrics for those who desire to make church vestments but have limited budgets to work with. Don’t forget about mission churches and congregations that may not have a collection of church vestments.

These are just a few ideas to inspire your creative minds. We hope you enjoy the variety of fabrics and that they may meet the special support needs that our many clients have shared with us.

Soli Deo Gloria

Please visit our website at www.ecclesiasticalsewing.com to see our complete line of liturgical fabrics, embroidery emblems, embroidery designs, altar linens, and church vestments. You may also contact us through the online webpage to inquire about custom orders or vestments.

*This collection of fabrics is not available for custom-made items. It is intended for use by those wishing to sew their own vestments.

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