The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, and New Horizons

International Conference

The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, and New Horizons.

For those who love embroidery, you may be interested in the conference that is happening in Spain this November – 2024. The details are noted below. If you are a researcher or someone with a love of the history of Hand embroidery, check out the opportunities to present a paper on your area of expertise. If you are considering attending the conference, there are several museums in Lorca. Museo Paso Blanco and Museo Azul de la Semana Santa.
The embroidery is detailed, unique and stunning!
Details on the event from Manuel Pérez Sánchez – Departamento de Historia del Arte
Universidad de Murcia
Presentation and website
Organised by the Lorca City Council, the Research Group “Sumptuary Arts” of the History of Art Department, University of Murcia, and Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia . The congress will be held in person between 27th and 30th November 2024 in Lorca (Region of Murcia, Spain).
All information related to the conference can be found on the website: contents and structure of the roundtables, call for papers and how to submit a proposal, registration fee, as well as other information of interest.
Lines of work and research
Those interested in participating in the congress by presenting a paper must adhere to any of the themes established by Scientific Committee according to the following descriptors:
  • History of Spanish embroidery.
  • History of European embroidery.
  • History of Latin American embroidery.
  • Global geographies and circulation.
  • Temporal connections.
  • Space connections.
  • Material connections.
  • Formal connections.
  • Technical connections.
  • Relations and exchanges.
  • Aesthetic relations.
  • Uses and functions.
  • Identities.
  • Dating.
  • Perpetuities.
  • Typologies.
  • Definition of centres, workshops, workshops, schools, masters, etc.
  • Flow of artists.
  • Transmission of teaching.
  • Crafts and guilds.
  • Techniques and designs.
  • Patronage.
  • Cultural histories surrounding embroidery.
  • Religious contexts.
  • Civil contexts.
  • Origins.
  • Embroidery and religious images.
  • Civil and military embroidery.
  • Rituals and symbolic practices.
  • Liturgies and ceremonies.
  • Cataloguing and conservation.
  • Theory, methodology, and historiography.
  • Authorship and attributions.
  • Decorations and ornamentation.
  • Museums and collections.
  • Restoration and conservation.
  • Documentary finds.
  • Research sources.
  • Copies and fakes.
  • Art market and trade.
  • New challenges and approaches.
Call for papers
People interested in submitting a paper for its oral presentation should send their proposals between 5th March and 31st August 2024, to the following e-mail address:
Proposals should include the following items:
  • Title of the proposal.
  • Brief summary of the proposal and justification (500 words maximum).
  • Brief curriculum vitae (300 words maximum).
  • Name(s) of the author(s).
  • Institution to which they are linked.
  • E-mail address.
  • Postal address.
  • Telephone number.
Accepted papers will be announced on 13th September 2024 and the registration period will begin, which will be open until 11th November.
Important notes for presenters:
  • The papers submitted will have a maximum of three authors, must be original, unpublished, and not being considered for publication in any other medium for the dissemination of knowledge.
  • Papers whose authors are not registered cannot be presented.
  • One registration fee will be paid per author and paper.
  • Priority will be given to those papers that provide a real advance in knowledge of the History of Art and Heritage in the lines of work proposed.
  • The oral presentation of the paper will not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The acceptance or rejection of the paper will be communicated on the given date to the authors via the e-mail address provided in the paper proposal document.
  • The University of Murcia will only issue certification of the papers to those who have presented them orally at the congress.
Registration will take place between 14th September and 11th November, once the list of accepted papers is published.
Registration fees are as follows:
  • 20 Euros for standard oral presenters.
  • 10 Euros reduced fee for oral presenters: CEHA members, under 25, unemployed, and people with disabilities.
  • 5 Euros for non-presenting attendees.
Contact and further information
Manuel Pérez Sánchez