Under Way with First Stitches!

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Under Way with First Stitches!

Sometimes it is difficult to take the plunge and take those first stitches on a new Ecclesiastical Embroidery project.  I have had my embroidery floss out, and have contemplated color selections. Since this is a rather big project, and I really want it to turn out well, there are a few embroidery techniques that I really like and plan on using. There are also a few favorites that will give the effect that will suit the occasion and purpose of this piece.  So here goes, the first thread is selected and ready to go.

Embroidering with Laid Silk Thread

Embroidering with Laid Silk Thread

The first floss is Soie Ovale in the Creme. This is the large-size spool that is available from Thistle Threads http://www.thistle-threads.com/  The floss is being used as a laid thread to fill the background of the four corners of the circles where the lilies are.  There will have to be some goldwork couching over the laid threads later on.  I have to admit I was a bit rusty, and the first attempt was removed and redone.  It is surprising that taking a few minutes to remove what was not working well, and starting over in a different spot made all the difference in the world. Things are going much better.

Embroidering with Laid Silk Thread

When the laid work with the flat silk is going well, there is a little rhythm that develops as you stitch along.

Embroidering with Laid Silk Thread

Everything can be going smoothly, and then ops! that rhythm gets off track.  That is what happened in the photo above.  That was the third attempt in that little spot.  For some reason, it is a little stubborn (or perhaps it was too late for the stitcher).  At any rate, this will come out again and be redone to keep things neat and tidy.

I was expecting trying to stitch the areas between the lilies as laid work to be rather tedious.  It is actually rather fun and is going much better than expected.  I hope to have more updates on the stitching soon.  As always, thanks for reading along, and happy stitching!

Solo Dei Gloria

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A Little Stitching Time

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