A Quick Tidy Up
A Quick Tidy Up
A Quick Tidy Up Moving from one project to another in Ecclesiastical Sewing and Ecclesiastical Embroidery often involves doing various amounts of research and reading. One of the major problems with this in the past was organization. Over the years, I have been able to develop a nice reference library on the topics of Design and Sewing, and most recently, I have been adding Ecclesiastical works to the collection.
Organizing the Sewing Room Library
When something comes up, the most challenging part has been, where to find the needed book for reference. There was no specific area devoted to holding the books in my sewing room. They were in various places around my sewing room, wherever a small bit of space was available. That included wire racks under the cutting table, and on the shelves, mixed with homeschool books. More often than not, books would find their way upstairs to the side of the easy chair for late-night reading, or for that occasional and rare lazy weekend afternoon. There was always a book gone missing or astray.
Reaping the Benefits of Organization
Recently, there was a great move in the house. The oldest child was off to college, the office was moved out of the sewing room, and I gained a desk with a bookcase. It is wonderful! Now all of the Ecclesiastical Sewing, Ecclesiastical Embroidery, and embroidery pattern design books are in one place. It is so very nice to know which book I am looking for, find it on the shelf, and get the reference needed. When finished, back on the shelf it goes. I’ve been trying hard to keep the clutter at bay and do regular tidy-ups. There is still quite a bit of reorganization to do, but that takes away from limited time for projects. Little by little, one tiny step at a time. Keeping all of the books in order is a big part of keeping things moving along.
Now, the only concern is where will the new books go that are still on the wish list?
Solo Dei Gloria
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Easter Blessings
Evangelist Stole for Easter Quick Ship
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