A Little Stitching Time

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A Little Stitching Time

After a weekend of organization and fun, it has been back to the work week, and the normal routine during the day.  After work and evening chores,  trying to squeeze Ecclesiastical embroidery pattern design time and Ecclesiastical Embroidery can be a bit of a challenge.  A Little Stitching time, if even for a half hour, can produce slow and steady results.  Yes, slow, slow, slow.

Several new Ecclesiastical pattern designs are nearing completion, including the IHS Embroidery Design talked about in yesterday’s post, a fast and easy (I hope) Advent Design, and a Luther Rose Design. It is also time to get some stitching done.  So, here is a quick photo update on the Easter Set Pulpit fall.

Ecclesiastical Embroidery Easter Set Pulpit Fall
Ecclesiastical Embroidery Easter Set Pulpit Fall

Taken from an old Ecclesiastical embroidery book from the last century, the embroidery design features a Chi-Rho with an Alpha/Omega on either side in the center of a quatrefoil design. That design is located in the center of a cross which is then enclosed with a circle.  The design, while being stitched on linen, is intended to be cut out and applied to a Brocade Ecclesiastical Fabric.

The above photos show the goldwork on 1/4 of the circle is almost complete.  The gold thread, which is Elizabethan Twist, is wonderful to work with.  It is so lovely.  And it manipulates the twists and turns much easier than expected.  The challenge is trying to keep the gold thread looking balanced as it meanders around the space.

Adding Elizabeth Twist Goldwork

Adding Elizabethan Twist Goldwork
Adding Elizabethan Twist Goldwork

The photo above shows the start of the laid work with the Creme Soie Ovale silk thread from Au Ver A Soie.  The Soie Ovale is a flat silk that has a minimal amount of twist. By using a laying tool while stitching, the threads are stroked to remove the twist and to make sure they are smooth and flat as the stitch is finished.  The threads are laid on the top of the fabric and do not travel across the back where they could become easily snagged.  Another reason for keeping the threads only on the top of the fabric is cost.  Stitches laying on the surface of the fabric use much less thread than if the thread went across the back and came up on the other side to start a stitch over.  This second section in the photo above is going much better.

Tomorrow I hope to have a little longer evening at stitching and also need to get back to the Angus Dei project of The Tale of Two Lambs.  Until then, Happy stitching!

Solo Dei Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

Quick Sewing Tip: Add Goldwork Dove Appliques to Red Stoles for Pentecost

Liturgical Embroidery Design

Progress on Ecclesiastical Embroidery

Quatrefoil Ecclesiastical Design – Part 2

Gilt Twist Goldwork Threads for Hand Embroidery

Under Way with First Stitches!
