Inspirations for Silk Wrapped Purl
Inspirations for Silk-Wrapped Purl
It’s always fun to have a few new items on hand for Ecclesiastical Embroidery projects. Sometimes with new threads, fun as they are, it might be a bit of a challenge to figure out what exactly one could do with them. Questions start roaming around such as, “What might be a good or suitable design?” “How could they be used,” or “How should they be used?” Perhaps you have asked similar questions when it comes to using Silk Wrapped Purl and Silk Gimp.
Silk Wrapped Purl
Silk Wrapped Purl is a thread I have wanted to try with my hand embroidery projects. I never seemed to get around to ordering any of it……..until….. an email arrived from Tricia at Thistle Threads. Her blog from The Embroiderer’s Story was a bit of a wake-up call. I already knew the struggles relating to learning Ecclesiastical Sewing and Ecclesiastical Embroidery. Now, just as progress was being made with some of my volunteer work, the reality of this article hit home. The manufacturers of these wonderful gold and silk threads for Ecclesiastical Embroidery and Hand Embroidery are facing some real challenges that threaten their survival, which affects our ability to have access to these marvelous threads.
Therefore, deciding to do a little part, I took the plunge and placed an order for the Silk Wrapped Purl and the Silk Gimp. Cut in one-yard lengths, the Silk Wrapped Purl comes in its own little plastic case, neatly labeled. It is a bit unruly. It wiggles and moves, reminiscent of a slinky or a spongy rubber band. I can hardly wait to give it a try.
Silk Gimp

Thistle Threads also carries a thread called Silk Gimp. This is a great hand embroidery thread with many possible uses. It could be used as an outline thread, or as a filling thread, it could be used in an area to add texture or contrast. It could be couched like goldwork threads. The list could go on and on. Glance around at the Thistle Threads website for the casket photos and is sure to be a wealth of ideas on how to incorporate these threads into our Ecclesiastical Embroidery Projects.
So, have any of you tried Silk Wrapped Purl or Silk Gimp? How did you use the threads? How were the threads to work? I look forward to hearing your comments.
Solo Dei Gloria
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