Updating Pattern Drafting Tools

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Updating Pattern Drafting Tools

There is nothing like having the correct tools for getting a job done. Ecclesiastical Sewing is no exception.  When it comes to making Ecclesiastical Vestment Patterns and drafting Ecclesiastical Embroidery designs, pattern-making tools are available to help the process go smoothly.  It has been several years since I have had to make patterns, either for vestments, embroidery, or dressmaking, and many of those pattern-making tools were worn out, or well, lost over time, and multiple moves. A few tools were always on the wish list, too. Since I am undertaking the challenge of working on larger-scale Ecclesiastical Vestment Patterns. It was time to consider updating the pattern-making tools.

As part of Ecclesiastical Sewing, I have been working with several people on their projects, and updating a few patterns. While the process is going well, and the patterns would be fine with the tools on hand, the finished product needs to be clean and professional.  With a little searching around, it was easy to come up with a few new tools to help out the process.

Ecclesiastical Sewing Pattern Paper, 48" wide paper and 36" wide paper
Ecclesiastical Sewing Pattern Paper

The Right Paper for Ecclesiastical Vestment Patterns

The first item to locate was paper. Not just any paper. It needed to be wide enough to handle the large sizes of the Ecclesiastical Vestment Patterns.  For those large Vestment Patterns, there is 48″ wide paper.  There is also a roll of 36″ wide paper which is a little bit difficult to deal with. The roll is extremely heavy. To manage this roll, I usually cut off 2 to 3 table lengths at a time and roll that up.  The paper is a thinner weight, and it is easier to see the grid lines of the large cutting mat through this paper. The narrow paper is 24″ which will come in handy for those smaller designs, or for any large-scale Ecclesiastical Embroidery Patterns.

Ecclesiastical Vestments - Pattern Making Tools
Ecclesiastical Vestments – Pattern-Making Tools

This collection of pattern-making tools includes a few items that have been used for years such as a cork-backed ruler and a 48″ metal ruler. Gridded rulers, triangles, and scissors are more of the basic items needed for making patterns.

Additional Tools

Curved rulers
Pattern Making Tools for Ecclesiastical Vestments

Curved rulers were a recent addition that will come in handy for marking armscyes, necklines, and hem curves.  There are times when a pattern will have an odd curve that will not work regardless of the curved rulers available. An old favorite for marking those difficult curves that do not conform to a French curve is the flexible curves.  I borrowed the green one from my brother’s drafting table years ago (with his permission). He has never asked for it back! Recently, I purchased the blue flexible curve which has measurements in inches on one side and centimeters on the other side. It was located in the drafting department of a local office supply store. This is a handy little item to measure curves of necklines and armscye.  No more trying to hold up a tape measure to get around those curves.

pattern notcher, a pattern tracing wheel, and an awl.
Pattern Making Tools for Ecclesiastical Vestments

Other recent additions to the pattern-making tools for Ecclesiastical Vestment Patterns include a pattern notcher, a pattern tracing wheel, and an awl.

Now that we have updated the pattern-making tools here on Ecclesiastical Sewing, it is time to draft a sleeve pattern for the Monk Habit that I started last weekend. Let’s hope it goes well!

Solo Dei Gloria

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