Why Do We Make Beautiful Vestments

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Why Do We Make Beautiful Vestments

Why Do We Make Beautiful Vestments:

Last night I was working late and thought I would have a bit of fun glancing through social media. We have been working hard for weeks on end and it was time for a break. I clicked on a few links and then came across some hurtful words – both about the work we do and what has been created from a desire to give thanks to the Lord for the gifts we have been given.

I have never spoken to this person, and I am uncertain whether that person has ever been to our blog to find out what Ecclesiastical Sewing is all about. The comment referred to all of the work being done on the Reformation vestments being a “show.” There was also a comment referring to a simple cross as being enough to point one to Christ. These other “things”  – our vestments – were not needed.

That word hurt at first, and then taking a step back and remembering the Commandments and their explanations, we are instructed to “defend him, speak well of him, and take his words and actions in the kindest possible way.” So I pondered the word “show” for a moment and then laughed out loud!  Perhaps without realizing it, the word “show” hits the mark. Let’s take a look at where the word “show” comes from and what it means. In Latin, the word “demonstrate” means to show or to teach.  Demonsto was one of the very first Latin words my children learned. It means I show, and teach. That is right. That is what the Reformation designs and vestment collection does. It shows or teaches our faith.  A derivative of demonstrate is to demonstrate. Each symbol in the Reformation collection demonstrates our faith.

These symbols are not unique to Lutherans. They are symbols that may be used by all Christian Faiths. When I first spoke with Edward Riojas about designing a Reformation Collection of designs, one of the most important things the collection had to do was to show or teach our faith, just as Luther says in his small catechism, “as the head of the household should teach his family.”

 The Reformation Collection

 Rondel Holy Trinity Creed

The first symbol used in the Reformation Collection is that of the Holy Trinity. This is a universal symbol used by many churches. This is also a symbol of the Apostle’s Creed. One only has to take a close read of the early Church Fathers to appreciate the gift that is given to us in the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Rondel Prayer

Symbols and Meaning Of Liturgical Design

How many of you know what this symbol represents? Any guesses? If you said the Lord’s Prayer, you would be correct. When Christ’s disciples implored him to “teach us to pray,” he taught them to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Christ did not leave us with an empty cross to stare at.

The symbol above is also a symbol of prayer. One thinks of the verses from a hymn that we sing, “Let my prayer rise before you as incense, the lifting up of my hands at the evening sacrifice.”  This verse may also be found in the book of Psalms.

The rest of the Reformation designs demonstrate our faith just as clearly and simply. Christ gave us rich and beautiful gifts in baptism, Holy Communion, the Ten Commandments, and the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven along with Prayer and the Creeds. People learn in different ways. Some learn by hearing, others by seeing, and still others by touching or through their senses. Visual images such as the designs in the Reformation Collection, which are also designs used within all faiths, are the visual key to the message being taught by the pastor. Imagine showing a small child the above image, and then reciting the words of the Psalm. Add the use of incense so they can “smell.” Suddenly, they understand because they can see what they have been hearing. That is what it means to show or teach with vestments.

Ecclesiastical Sewing Liturgical Creation

Ecclesiastical Sewing took root as a result of there being a lack of fabrics, patterns, designs, and instructions on how to make church vestments. What was once considered common knowledge – how to make stoles, hand embroider altar linens and vestments, hem altar linens, etc. – has been lost. Many of you have first-hand knowledge of this. For those who scoff, give vestment making a try to see what a challenge it is to properly provide vestments, linens, and altar hangings for the Lord’s House.

Our home church, like many others, is not wealthy. There is not a large budget for ordering the things that are needed in the Lord’s House. When we had altar hangings that needed to be updated, a few projects were attempted. Resources on how to do these things were lacking.  Mistakes were made, and through trial and error, skills were gained. Others asked questions and wanted to know how things were done. Again  – a need arose. And with a thankful heart, information, and skills were shared – passing the information on to others so it would not be lost again to future generations. That is how and why Ecclesiastical Sewing exists today.

A simple Cross that Points to Christ Why Do We Make Beautiful Vestments
A Simple Cross that Points to Christ

The Meaningful Symbol to Teach Faith

When creating vestments for the House of the Lord, one should always begin with the advice of a pastor. A good place to start is with meaningful symbols that can be used to teach the faith. Things like the Cross, Holy Communion, the Creeds, Prayer, Baptism, Confession, Key to the Kingdom, Holy Monograms, and so forth are appropriate symbols to start with.  The symbols can be simple, and in many places that creates a comfort zone. The symbols can also be a bit more elaborate. That sometimes gets beyond the comfort zone of some and into unfamiliar territory for others.

Yet, it might be wise to take a step back in time and look at history, beginning with the book of Exodus. In following God’s Command, the Israelites were instructed:   “to have blue, purple or scarlet yarn or fine linen” for use in His Tabernacle and for adorning the clothing of Aaron as his Priest.  These were woven with threads of gold. As one reads through the accounts in Exodus, the instructions are clear – things of unimaginable beauty were created by fine craftsmen and women. Nothing was too good for use in the Tabernacle or as part of Aaron’s priestly vestments. Would one dare call that a “show” as in “cashing in on an event?” Indeed not! Following that was the making of Solomon’s Temple  – again, things of beauty almost beyond description.

Throughout history, the church has undergone periods where there were items of plenty. Vestment inventories from the Middle Ages list dozens of copes, chasubles, and other items that would rival the inventories of both the Tabernacle and Temple. And today we have gone to the other extreme to the point where even if the desire to create items for use in the church is there, the means of execution is not readily available.

And this brings us back to where I began. Ecclesiastical Sewing is about providing the tools – designs, fabrics, patterns, instructions, and encouragement for churches, seamstresses, pastors, priests, and clergy to make and have beautiful items for use in worshiping the Lord. Creating things of beauty for the House of the Lord with the work of my hands has always been a means to “show” or “teach.” The Lord has given my hands a skill – the gift of using needle and thread.  I could use that skill in many ways – I could create a closet full of quilts, bridal gowns, or clothing, all of which are fine and good things to do. But I choose to use that skill in creating things of beauty for the Lord’s House and for his Pastors.

It is about giving thanks for the greatest gift Christ gave with his shed blood on a cross, be it a simple cross or a work of art. Both point to the Lord and give Him the Glory.

Soli Deo Gloria

Chalice Veil Orphreys

“INRI”, “Jesus, the King of the Jews”

Every Knee Shall Bow, Every Tongue Shall Confess—That Jesus Is Lord

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena Prayer

Violet Stole and Chasuble Sets for Lent and Advent

Rose Stoles for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays

Reformation Vestment Set Ideas




  1. What I like best about what you are doing, Carrie, is that you are restoring an old tradition to the church, namely: that we place the work of our own hands on the altar, and dress the church using the gifts of time and talent that God has given us. For too long it has been the custom to order vestments and paraments through catalogs. You are supplying the materials and knowledge needed for each church to decide for themselves how they want to adorn the temple for worship. It is not only fitting and proper to use the best of our talents and what we possess for worship, it is excellent stewardship.

    To the person who wanted to remind us that all that is needed is a simple cross – the cross reminds us of Christ and his sacrifice for us, and Christ is God. But Christ is not all of God, and the sacrifice on the cross is not all of what God does for us. God is Father, Son, and Spirit, Three in One, and we have symbols which remind us of this. God gives us food, shelter, life and being – we have symbols to remind us of this. God gives us His Word, both as a covenant and to instruct us, and we have symbols to remind us of this. Were we to adorn the church for worship with reminders of even a fraction of what God gives us it would be adorned more richly than even our wildest dreams. The cross is a reminder of God’s most important gift to us – salvation and forgiveness through Christ’s sacrifice.

    When we come to worship, we all bring gifts that come from God, in thanks for his grace. We each bring different gifts – bread and wine, song and prayer, preaching and teaching. For those who are artists, the adornment of the church is an opportunity to contribute their gifts to worship as well, and it is fitting those gifts should be of the best we can give.

  2. I really am amazed at the work you all do. The beauty of the Lord shines through your work. Once I’m ordained, in about two years time, I plan on ordering stoles from you. I’m not sure how much I will be able to afford so it will likely be one at a time until I have what I need. I am very pleased to see you using your God given talents to glorify Him. These are amazing works and I pray that you will continue in this dedication.