Through the Needle’s Eye – EGA Traveling Exhibit

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Through the Needle’s Eye – EGA Traveling Exhibit

Through the Needle’s Eye – EGA Traveling Exhibit: Needlework is always fun and exciting. I especially love hand embroidery but running a busy sewing studio does not leave much time for the pleasures of a favorite pastime.

Alpha Omega Goldwork applique green silk brocade gold metallic embroidery how to sew for beginners tips and tricks design pattern EGA Traveling Exhibit

So, to appease that side of life, I was searching the internet to see if there were any needlework exhibits of interest and found one not far from home!

The Embroiderer’s Guild of America  – EGA  – has a traveling exhibit entitled:

Through the Needle’s Eye.

January 17 – March 30, 2019
Stevens History Museum
116 West Sixth Street Morris, MN

About Through The Needle’s Eye

The Embroiderers’ Guild of America acknowledges the value of needlework in art and history. The National Exhibit is a representative selection of the best in artistic and technical works. It is through the needle’s eye that EGA embraces both traditional and contemporary needlework while expanding the perception of embroidery as an art form.

After a brief moment of disappointment that the exhibit was not Ecclesiastical Embroidery, I still decided that it was worth sharing. Fine hand embroidery is a skill that takes years to master and having the opportunity to view embroidery in an exhibit setting is always fuel for the imagination. Techniques can be enjoyed, and perhaps even translated into other work that is more in keeping with Ecclesiastical Work. So, go ahead, check out the links, and be inspired! If you are in the area, or if your local needlework guild is interested in having the exhibit come to your area, be sure to contact the EGA for more information.

And now, I feel inspired to start working on a few hand ecclesiastical embroidery projects of my own!

 Gilt Smooth Passing Thread with Silk Core in Size #4 EGA Traveling Exhibit
Lovely to work with Gilt Smooth Passing Thread with Silk Core in Size #4

Easter is coming and a new commission is in the works.

Slate frame 12 inches oak

Stay tuned. The slate frames and trestle stands are coming out this weekend!

Soli Deo Gloria

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Upcoming Events: Needlework Exhibit At the Haehn Museum

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