A Year of Amazing Ecclesiastical Sewing Projects

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A Year of Amazing Ecclesiastical Sewing Projects

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since we embarked on this project, which we wrapped up around October. Our specialty lies in undertaking large, custom projects that few others can—or will—tackle. Although these projects are time-consuming and challenging, the final products are always worth the wait. Ivory silk Chelmsford for the base fabric. At Ecclesiastical Sewing we take pride in our craftsmanship. The original designs for this piece were crafted through traditional hand embroidery. We opted for machine embroidery, utilizing techniques that render the final product nearly indistinguishable from handwork. Experts might spot the differences, but most people won’t notice. This approach was chosen for practical reasons; achieving this level of hand embroidery without incurring exorbitant costs or outsourcing to the Far East is nearly impossible. The result was a stunning set that we truly miss having in our studio—it was a joy to behold every day.

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Soli Deo Gloria

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