The Lamb of God: The Story of Advent – Part 2/3
The Lamb of God: The Story of Advent – Part 2/3

The Lamb of God: The Story of Advent – Part 2/3: As we enter the homestretch of our Advent season, let us embrace the anticipation and hope it brings. Join me in prayer as we express gratitude for the fulfillment of God’s promises. Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 prophecies the coming of a great light for those in darkness. It foretells the birth of a child, a son, upon whose shoulders the government will rest. This child will be known by titles such as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. The prophecy continues, envisioning the enduring greatness of his government and peace, with his reign on David’s throne marked by justice and righteousness. The passage expresses confidence that the zeal of the Lord Almighty will bring about the fulfillment of this prophecy.

A Divine Revelation
In Luke 1:26-35, the angel Gabriel visits Mary and tells her that she will conceive and give birth to a son named Jesus, who will be called the Son of the Most High. He will inherit the throne of David, and his kingdom will have no end. Mary questions how this is possible since she is a virgin, and the angel explains that the Holy Spirit will come upon her, making the child she bears the Son of God. This passage foretells the miraculous birth of Jesus and emphasizes his divine nature.

Advent’s Hope
As we reflect on Isaiah’s prophecy and the angelic announcement to Mary, we recognize the deep anticipation and expectation surrounding Advent. These Old Testament prophecies beautifully connect with the unfolding story of Jesus’ birth, reminding us of the significance of this season. In comprehending the profound connection between the promised Messiah and the Lamb of God, we see Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of these prophecies. The title “Lamb of God” denotes his sacrificial role, symbolizing his purpose to cleanse away our sins. Let us remember that in embracing the Advent season, we acknowledge the arrival of Jesus, who fulfills these ancient prophecies as the ultimate sacrificial Lamb.

Welcome to Part II of our Lamb of God series. Here, we venture deeper into the heart of Advent, where ancient prophecy illuminates modern purpose.
Isaiah’s vision – of a child destined to pierce the darkness with divine light – guides our exploration of hope and promise.
Your journey of discovery continues. Share this post spread the light, and stay connected for more insights into this sacred season.
Soli Deo Gloria
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The Lamb of God: The Old Testament – Part 1/3
From the Beginning in The Tale of Two Lambs
The Second Lamb in The Tale of Two Lambs
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