Testing Card Padding
Testing Card Padding

The hour is late, so this will be short. Tonight on Ecclesiastical Sewing, there is time for a quick update on card padding. Last weekend, I shared information about a product from the local Fabric Store called Clear Fuse. Planning Ahead on the IHS Ecclesiastical Embroidery Design intended for the Rose Set of Vestments for use during Advent and Lent, the clear fuse worked great for creating card padding.

The card padding was cut out, and tonight the sample was prepared to test the card padding and gold thread. There is a little more stitching needed on the card padding to be sure it stays in place. Tomorrow, it will be time to test threads and techniques to see how the card padding works.
The bottom motif in the lower right corner will be a sample for string padding for Goldwork Embroidery. I will keep you posted on how the sampler turns out, and give a more complete post soon. For now, have a great weekend.
Solo Dei Gloria
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Pattern Making and Testing Samples
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