The New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

Home » The New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018


The New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

The New Church Year begins with the Penitential season of Advent on December 2, 2018. Two main liturgical colors are used for the season of Advent: blue and violet.

pastor stole liturgical garment vestment deep blue silk brocade embroidery cross needlework pattern floral gold trim New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

The blues used for Advent come in a wide range of colors ranging from bright royal to muted Sarum colors.

silk blue Luther rose brocade by the yard Christian liturgical vestment sewing New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

There are several options for bright or royal blue Liturgical Brocades. The above fabric is the Luther Rose Brocade. The fabric is our exclusive design. It makes up beautifully in stoles, chasubles, and altar hangings.

St Margaret Blue New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

Another favorite is the St. Margaret Brocade with the lovely crown and Tudor Rose motifs amid scrollwork. It is available in blue,

St Margaret Bluegold New Church Year Begins December 2, 2018

Blue/Gold and in a deep, rich violet color.

St Margaret Violet


St Margaret Violet Details

The St. Margaret Brocade is a richly detailed fabric that features design motifs of a crown surrounded by leaves and a scroll border.

St Margaret violet Details

Ecclesiastical Sewing Projects

We have a few St. Margaret and Blue Luther Rose projects in the works over the next several weeks, and we are looking forward to seeing the results. One of the projects is for my home church which is always special. We shall try our best to keep everyone updated with photos.

Two of the blue St. Margaret fabrics are being hooped for embroidery this weekend. silk blue Luther rose brocade by the yard Christian liturgical vestment sewing

The above photo is of St. Margaret being placed in a large embroidery frame. We are blessed to have a rather large embroidery frame that can handle designs up to 12.75″ wide and up to 46″ long. That allows for all sorts of options. The design for this stole will be on the machine for about 8 to 10 hours if all goes well………………….. and then there is a chasuble orphrey that will take 15 to 20 hours on the machine. Let’s pray that all goes well because many more projects are waiting in the wings!

Soli Deo Gloria

A what?! A Brocade!!

December 20th: Katie Luther

Altar Linen Projects – Beginnings

Advent Vestment Projects in the Studio