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Pentecost a Season of Red Liturgical Fabrics

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Pentecost a Season of Red Liturgical Fabrics

Pentecost a Season of Red Liturgical Fabrics. The seasons of the church year follow an orderly pattern. This week we wrap up the season of Lent and enter Holy Week. In just a matter of days, we will celebrate Easter.

While we make final preparations to celebrate Easter, it is also time to look ahead at the liturgical calendar. Pentecost is just around the corner. The traditional color used for Pentecost vestments is Red. I love the red fabrics. (I admit my bias as I love and appreciate the beauty of all of the lovely fabrics we have the honor of working with).

For those interested in a rundown on appropriate liturgical red fabrics for use during Pentecost, here are a few of my favorite “red” things.

Red St. Margaret Brocade

Red St. Margaret Brocade

The St. Margaret Brocade is a stunning liturgical brocade that features a Tudor Rose and a Crown. The design motifs are joined by a scrolling lattice and vine border. This is a rich and regal fabric. It creates beautiful stoles, copes, chasubles, and altar hangings.

Religious church vestment fabric Pentecost vestments red brocade St. Margaret Brocade Ecclesiastical Sewing

The pattern is bold and the design motifs are moderate to large size.

St. Margaret brocade Church vestment Ecclesiastical Sewing

The St. Margaret red is the brightest red Liturgical Brocade Fabric. It pairs well with a large number of other fabrics which may be used for accents. This is a great fabric and color of use during Pentecost or where a bright red brocade is desired.

St. Margaret Brocade Red/Gold

The collection includes St. Margaret, which weaves a solid-colored brocade and a two-tone brocade.

Red Gold St. Margaret Brocade Church Vestment Ecclesiastical Sewing

The two-tone effect is created during the weaving process. The weft yarns are gold-colored yarn. The combination of gold and red creates a fiery appearance that is perfect for use during Pentecost.

Church Vestment Brocade Ecclesiastical Sewing

The Fairford Brocade is also available in the stunning two-toned fiery red/gold color option. With the richness of the brocade, minimal trim is required.

Cloister Brocade

Red Cloister Liturgical Brocade Fabric

Cloister and its companion fabric, St. Aidan, both come in a lovely red that is most suitable for use in creating church vestments.  The Cloister Brocade and St. Aidan Brocade are lovely brocades that are a bit more affordable for some church vestment needs. While the brocade is not as heavy as the yard-dyed brocades, the weaving details are stunning. The fabrics have a lovely weight and drape beautifully vestments such as chasubles and copes. They have a lighter look and hang and create a fluid-moving effect. The fabric also cuts well for use as orphrey bands.

Lichfield Brocade

Another favorite fabric for use in creating red vestments is Lichfield.

Liturgical Brocade Red Pentecost fabric Ecclesiastical Sewing

The Red Lichfield Brocade is a rich red that works for Pentecost, as well as for other festivals that call for red vestments. The red is moderate, being neither too bright nor too dark. Lichfield is woven with a Tudor Rose Motif and a Fleur de Lis motif which are joined by vine work. The red pattern and design motif in Lichfield is a great option for use in banners and large hangings or dossal curtains. The design remains clear and highly visible, even at a distance.

People sometimes confuse the Tudor Rose with the Luther Rose. To clarify, the Tudor Rose is a symbol that dates from the Tudor period. It is a combination of the Red and White Roses from the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The symbol was adopted by Henry VII.

Luther Rose Brocade

The Luther Rose Brocade is our Exclusive Fabric at Ecclesiastical Sewing.

Luther Rose Brocade Liturgical Vestment fabric Ecclesiastical Sewing

This brocade is woven with the same colored red yarns as are used in Lichfield. It is a lovely red that is neither too bright, nor too dark. It works well for Pentecost, Reformation, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Feasts of the Martyrs where red vestments are used.

A scrolling vine motif connects the Luther Rose emblem and a Patonce cross. Martin Luther created this emblem in the 1500s. The Luther Rose motif has a heart and cross at its center. The Luther Rose brocade is a lovely fabric to work with. The size and scale of the brocade are easy to work with.

Ely Crown Liturgical Brocade

Ely Crown Liturgical Brocade Ecclesiastical Sewing

Ely Crown is a small-scale design that is very user-friendly. The pattern, while simple, creates stunning vestments and altar hangings.

Ely Crown Liturgical Brocade Church vestment fabric priest vestments Pentecost vestments Ecclesiastical Sewing

Ely Crown may be embellished with elegant trims or hand or machine embroidery.

Silk Dupioni


Silk Dupioni is known for its sheen and often brilliant colors. This fabric has a brilliant red that works well for Pentecost Vestments.

Liturgical Brocade Ecclesiastical Sewing Church vestments Pentecost Vestments Red Vestments

The Red Silk pairs well with the Red/Gold Evesham Brocatelle, as well as with many other options.

We hope you enjoy looking at the wide range of red liturgical brocades and fabric options available at Ecclesiastical Sewing for use in creating vestments for the upcoming season of Pentecost. You can find the fabrics on our website here.

Which Red fabric and pattern is your favorite for the season of Pentecost?

Soli Deo Gloria

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Cloister Liturgical Fabric

St. Margaret Liturgical Brocade for Church Vestments

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