The Rose of the Lutherans
The Rose of the Lutherans
Introducing the Rose of the Lutherans: On Sunday, the Protestant Church remembers the death of one of her most beloved Saints. Martin Luther died on February 18th, 1546. Lately, my interest has been in flowers and greenery—perhaps preparing my garden in my mind for the upcoming springtime.
In honor of Martin Luther, I want to discuss his rose. The symbol of the Reformation and of Martin Luther is a beautiful rose: The Luther Rose. It is a complex summary, with much thought put into it.
This seal/symbol was designed by Luther and is the essence of his theological position and his faith. The cross in the center is black to remind us of our sins and the need for the Savior on the cross. The heart is red–its natural color–to show that by Faith in the Crucified One, we are saved. Because of the joy that salvation brings, a white rose surrounds the heart of the believer. The field of blue is the heavenly future that the believer looks joyously forward towards. Luther explains all of this much more eloquently in a letter to Lazarus Spengler–excerpt in the link.
Now…if you have been paying attention to Ecclesiastical Sewing, you will have noticed that we have a very special fabric. If you are new–WELCOME–or if you have not noticed lately, let me tell you about our fabric!
Luther Rose Brocade
Our Luther Rose Brocade has the actual Luther Rose Symbol woven into the fabric. The fabric was developed by Carrie R. around the fall of 2016. Carrie wanted to create something special for the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. After talking to her fabric supplier in England, Peter encouraged her to use her own Luther Rose design and make a fabric. Never having designed a fabric, her Patonce Cross and her Luther Rose Symbol came together nicely, but Carrie was having trouble making the vines interact just right. Carrie’s old pastor–the venerable Pastor Robson–had encouraged her to start talking with Edward Riojas–the artist of the Higher Things magazine. This was the perfect opportunity to get in touch with him and with Edward’s help, the vines came together in a matter of hours; the design was sent to England; and the rest is history!
We hope and pray that this beautiful Luther Rose Brocade fabric will serve various churches for many, many years to come. It is a true honor to use our time and talents to the glory of God and the beautification of His House. Thank you for reading and learning about the symbolism and craft that went into making this special liturgical brocade fabric.
~Nihil Sine Deo~
Weedon, William. Celebrating The Saints. St. Louis Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 2016.
Please visit our website at to see our complete line of liturgical fabrics and church vestments. You may also contact us through the online webpage to inquire about custom orders or vestments.
The Luther Rose: A Timeless Symbol of Faith and Reformation
Luther Rose Liturgical Brocade Church Vestment Fabric
Reformation 2018 – 501 Years in the Making
The Protestant Reformation And Its Importance To Ecclesiastical Sewing
Religious Lutheran Machine Embroidery Designs for Church Vestments
Rose Chasuble and Stole Vestments for Advent and Lent
New Rose Pastoral Chasuble and Stole
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