Advent Vestment Projects in the Studio

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Advent Vestment Projects in the Studio

Advent Church Vestments Altar frontal nativity designs machine embroidery church vestments blue advent vestments Ecclesiastical Sewing Religious embroidery designs Vestment making

Blue – it is everywhere we look these days in the Advent Vestment Projects in the Studio. Well, not quite. there is a bit of violet lurking on one of the workstations. And the strange thing is I can’t decide which I most enjoy working with!  But maybe we should have you help us out and give us your say. Here goes.

St. Margaret Brocade

First up is the rich Blue St. Margaret Brocade. The fabric is being placed on the long hoop for machine embroidery with Advent-themed designs.

Blue St. Margaret Brocade Liturgical fabric Religious fabric church vestment fabric machine embroidery hoops

St. Margaret is a bold rich blue that has a  stunning depth of color. It is vibrant and full of life.  St. Margaret is one of the few Liturgical Brocade fabrics available in blue. The fabric is pinned to the embroidery frame to stitch a long pastor stole embroidery.  And the embroidery was finished and off the frame, before I could capture the final results. So now, we must wait to get the pastor stole back from our seamstress who is finishing the handwork.

Thankfully when we frame up the embroidery designs, the work tables are soon free for other projects. And when we create altar frontals, that requires the entire table! Thankfully we have large tables

Altar frontal gold fringe satin fabric liturgical brocade church vestments antependium sewing church vestments Ecclesiastical Sewing

The Altar Frontal

Full Altar frontals usually are between 38 to 40 inches high and about 72 to 84 inches long. The entire frontal is laid out on the work table above. The frontal was just flipped over to prepare for hand sewing and turning under the upper edge. Don’t you just love the rich deep Wincheter Violet Brocade fabric? The gold fringe is the finishing touch to match the orphrey bands  – which won’t be shown until the piece is completely finished.

Nativity Advent machine embroidery design manger embroidery design Crown machine embriodery Religious machine embroidery Luther Rose Brocade Church Vestments Altar Hangings pulpit falls lectern falls

The embroidery machine has been humming along for weeks with lots of new Advent Designs. The above design is part of the City of David Advent Collection. This design has been stitched on our exclusive Luther Rose Brocade Fabric and is ready to be removed from the frame and sent off for finishing. Finishing involves adding an inner support fabric, and a backing fabric. We use cotton canvas as the interfacing and polyester satin for the lining. We love this Advent embroidery design and hope you might like it also.

The Ecclesiastical Sewing Studio has been very busy this fall and we wish to thank all of our loyal followers for your continued support and encouragement.

Now have your say – which is your favorite project?

Soli Deo Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabricsaltar linen fabrics, church vestment-making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on Ecclesiastical Sewing on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest. Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

St. Margaret Liturgical Brocade for Church Vestments

Violet, Blue and Rose Liturgical Brocade Church Vestments Fabrics

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