A Reader’s Labor of Love: Making Liturgical Vestments

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A Reader’s Labor of Love: Making Liturgical Vestments

Tonight we would like to share something special. It is the story of a labor of love. The story began quite several months ago. I was delighted when I was contacted by a reader and asked if he could forward photos of vestments he had made for his priest and parish. My response was, “Of course!”

Soon, there were photos of one of his vestments, and then others followed. There was a brief tale of how this all began and how the reader has been doing this work for quite some time for his parish and priest. The story is simple. And it shows what a willing spirit can do.

Here is David’s story in photos:

Vestments made by a reader for his church
Vestments made by a reader for his church

“Attached are 2 pictures of the All Souls Day chasuble and stole I (David) made for the pastor of Lenoir-Rhyne University. The orphrey is silver lamé with two different ribbons topstitched on. I hope you like them.”
David has been creative in his selection of materials for these vestments and they have turned out well. This set was originally created for All-Souls Day, but David thinks they will also use the set for Good Friday.  The surplice was also made by David, who lives in North Carolina. North Carolina uses the Dogwood Flower as their official State. Notice how David has creatively paid tribute to that with his selection of a Dogwood Flower design in the lace used on the surplice. Loverly!
Good Friday is approaching,  and it is a great time to think about any special church vestment needs you might be able to fulfill for your church, pastor, or priest.
I hope this might serve as an encouragement for those who have considered making church vestments, but who may be afraid of taking that one first important step. That step is to begin. Where a desire and willing spirit abide to create with our hands,  good things may abound. Your first vestment may not turn out to be a masterpiece, but neither did mine. It all comes from time and practice.
Thank you so much, David for sharing your photos and story and photos.
Soli Deo Gloria



  1. Thank you, Carrie, for sharing my pictures. When I looked in the sacristy of the new Chapel I saw lots of white, red, purple and green vestments, but no black. I made these from relatively inexpensive fabrics, but the effect is rather nice, I think. They’ll get used again for Ash Wednesday, then get to rest awhile ’til Good Friday.
    Gloria tibi, Domine!

    • David,
      Thank you for sharing photos of your work and for being an inspiration to others. It is wonderful to notice a need within the church and to use one’s time and talents in such a way to beautify the Lord’s House.

      Keep up the great work!
